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Quick Summary: written by Tib, checked by Antimoany

Walkthrough: written by Antimoany, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Tib, checked by Antimoany
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Help the Vanos siblings find employment in Anvil.
Zone: Gold Coast
Quest Giver: Raynor Vanos
Location(s): Anvil, The Withered Rose, Garlas Malatar
Reward: Unidentified Sithis' Touch Ring
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 5546
Raynor and Kireth Vanos were recently marooned on the Gold Coast. The captain they hired to sail them to Sentinel delivered them to Anvil instead, and now they lack the funds to finish their journey. They asked me to help them find work.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Raynor Vanos near the stables outside of Anvil.
  2. Inquire around the town and decide which jobs the Vanos siblings should take.
  3. Talk to the siblings and collect your reward.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Raynor Vanos and his sister can be found conversing to the right of the entrance to Narhag's house, near the Anvil Stables. Talk to Raynor, and he will explain that the siblings were stranded in Anvil despite having been bound for Sentinel. They spent all of their gold on the aborted journey and cannot afford to charter a new ship to their intended destination. Furthermore, no one in the city will hire them. Raynor asks you to function as an agent, finding work on the siblings' behalf.

Talking to his sister reveals a different story. Kireth asserts that her brother conflated "Anvil" with "Hammerfell" because both words sound like they belong in a smithy. He mistakenly chartered a ship to the wrong port. He realized too late, when already en route, and now blames the ship's captain for his mistake.

Asking them both what kind of work they think they could do reveals options. Raynor suggests balancing books at the repository, while Kireth working tables at a tavern.

Inquire at the BlacksmithEdit

At the blacksmith's forge just within the city limits, talk to Mahata. She will immediately complain about a "puny Dark Elf" who dropped ingots on the docks. After asking if she means Raynor, and receiving confirmation, suggest that he could help make the forge more efficient. Mahata will agree, but only if you will first find the missing ingots. You can safely decline this offer without ending the quest, or accept and fail to find the ingots without penalty.

The stolen ingots are at an old dock west of the city limits and it is surrounded by bandits. Once you attack and retrieve the stolen ingots return back to town and talk to Mahata at the Forge. You'll return the ingots and Mahata will offer Raynor a job.

Inquire at the Public HouseEdit

Go to Enrick's Public House, in the northwest of Anvil, and ask Anya, behind the bar, if she'd like a barmaid. She will complain about Kireth's previous service there, and insist you bring her a wyrd blossom before she'll rehire the Dunmer. You can safely decline without ending the quest; or agree and fail to find the blossom without penalty.

The Garlas Malatar Ruins can be found on a small coastal island west of Anvil, near the Jarol Estate. This is where Anya says the flower blossom can be found.

Alternatively, talk to Pius Helvius and mention a talented Dunmer who could sing to his customers. He will laugh, having already heard her "yowling", but you can persuade him to agree. Otherwise, look elsewhere.

Inquire at the RepositoryEdit

On the upper floor of the Repository, speak to Frunda and mention knowing a Dunmer who's good at balancing books. Predictably, she has already availed herself of his services, though for once it seems the nature of the complaint might be that he did his job properly. You can intimidate her into agreeing, or look elsewhere.

Inquire at the DocksEdit

Speak to Shantin, a Khajiit at the west end of the docks. He is lamenting fish lost by a familiar Dark Elf. You can pay him a small sum of gold to rehire Raynor, with the gold covering the costs of this plus extra. Shantin will suggest this is crazy, but agree anyway.

Speak to Captain Nieth, a Bosmer at the east end of the docks. She, too, is lamenting Dunmer-related losses. You can pay her an equally small sum of gold to rehire Kireth, with the same intention. She will likewise call this a crazy idea, but agree regardless.

Return to the Vanos SiblingsEdit

Having found both siblings a job, by any means, return to the siblings outside the stables and tell each about the nature of their new job.

After telling each sibling about their job, you can complete the quest.


  • Finding more than one job for each sibling is redundant. You need only find one job for Raynor and one for Kireth in order to complete the quest.
  • The location of Mahata's stolen ingots are in the large circle in which you must search. They are on the dock northwest of Anvil and you have to kill the smugglers.

Quest StagesEdit

Honest Work
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
There has to be someone in a city this size who's willing to hire Kireth and Raynor. I should ask around town, starting at the tavern, the smithy, the docks, and the bank.
Objective: Find a Job for Kireth
Optional Step: Collect Wyrd Flower Blossom
Optional Step: Talk to Anya
Objective: Find a Job for Raynor
Optional Step: Retrieve Stolen Ingots
Optional Step: Talk to Mahata
I secured jobs for Kireth and Raynor. They'll be able to earn gold to pay for their passage to Sentinel now. I should find them and deliver the good news.
Objective: Talk to Raynor Vanos
I told Raynor about the job I secured for him. Now I should tell Kireth about her new job.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
Finishes quest  I secured jobs for Raynor and Kireth Vanos. Now they can raise the gold they need to complete their journey to Hammerfell. I should see if Kireth needs anything else before I take my leave.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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