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Online:Guide Culast

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Guide Culast
Home City Skywatch
Location East side of Skywatch's town gate
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble
Guide Culast

Guide Culast is a High Elf noble and the town guide of Skywatch who can be found at her booth on the east side of the town gate. She provides information on the Festival of Defiance, including some lore about the Sload and their occupation of Skywatch. Being a town guide, she also talks about some of the more interesting places in town.


Culast is eager to help and will happily greet you:

"Welcome to the city of Skywatch, and the Festival of Defiance. Can I answer any questions for you?"
The Festival of Defiance? / What is the Festival of Defiance?
"Yes, we celebrate every year! A triumphant appreciation of the day Skywatch was retaken from the Sload."
The Sload? What are they?
"They are, ahem, "slug people." A Betmer race like the Khajiit or Argonians. Their empire once ruled the seas of southern Tamriel. They struck out at other nations as despots and slavers."
Skywatch was occupied?
"The Sload released a plague on the world, then capitalized on the chaos it caused. They hit cities all along the southern coasts, pillaging and enslaving as they went."
Can you tell me anything about Skywatch?
"Of course! Skywatch is a magnificent city. Telenger's Emporium is not to be missed. There's an ancient Ayleid [sic] ruin right in the middle of town! And our docks are visited by men and mer from across Tamriel."
What's going on down at the docks?
"What isn't? Ships pull into the harbor every day, bringing new smells, sights, and sounds to our fair city. Some of the dockworkers race frogs in between jobs, and the Barbed Hook always has a tasty brew on tap."
Telenger's Emporium?
"Telenger the Artificer calls our fair city home! He runs a small shop and exhibition space for the Mages Guild on the west side of town. You can see relics from his travels, magical displays—all kinds of things!"
There's an Ayleid [sic] ruin here?
"It's in the middle of the city, in the royal courtyard and gardens. No one is allowed inside, though. A Mages Guild spellcaster is posted outside and a magical barrier bars the way.
Very mysterious!"
