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Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
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Grethaa is a Nord information broker found in either the Vulkhel Guard, Daggerfall, or Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge.

She is one of the underworld people that Concordia Mercius sends you to in order to find out more about Margus Derius. Grethaa will not tell anything until you have swiped a luxurious jacket for her from a house in the city.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Ruthless Competition: Help a group of treasure hunters find an Argonian relic before their competitor.

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

"If you're looking for information, then you've come to the right place! I am the most knowledgeable broker in the refuge.
On the other hand, if you work for the town guard, I have no idea what we're talking about."
I seek information about Margus Derius.
"Well, information is my primary business, and business is good! Which reminds me, I never give anything away for free. Especially information.
Perform a favor for me. Then I'll tell you what I know about Margus Derius."
What kind of favor are we talking about?
"The best kind, one that benefits us both!
Allow me to mark a house on your map. Inside you'll find a crate that contains an elegant jacket. I'm something of a snappy dresser and I want that jacket. Bring it to me and I'll tell you all about Margus."

If you speak to her before acquiring the elegant jacket, she'll say:

"I knew you'd be back. That is my business, after all.
Were you able to acquire that elegant jacket I asked you to obtain?"
I'm still working on getting you that item.
"Well, get to it! Information is like mammoth milk. It spoils if you don't use it quickly."

Once you have the jacket, she'll comment:

"A little bird told me you were on your way down here. It also mentioned that you had something that would make both of us very happy.
Is it true? Were you able to acquire the elegant jacket?"
Here's the elegant jacket you requested.
"Perfect! Did you know this jacket belonged to an associate of Margus Derius? There should be a note in the pocket. Ah, here it is.
And this confirms the information I promised to share with you. Margus works with a group called the Blackguards."
Who are the Blackguards?
"Just one of the most dangerous bands of outlaws to emerge from the swamps of Black Marsh! The group supposedly started years ago in Blackrose Prison.
I'm not sure why Margus and the Blackguards are working together, but nothing good will come of it."

After doing business with her, she'll only say:

"Our business is done. Please tell your friends that Grethaa provides only the best information—as long as the customer can meet my price!"
