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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in Imperial City, but removed before release.

Find Maximinus in the Market District
Zone: Imperial City
Quest Giver: Famius SisennaAldmeri Dominion
VenetiaDaggerfall Covenant
SeverianusEbonheart Pact
Location(s): Market District
Famius and Annia Sisenna fled home and friends when the Daedra took over the City. Famius asked me to check on Maximinus in the Market District. Aldmeri Dominion

A refugee named Venetia hates the merchant Maximinus in the Market District and hopes that he's dead. Daggerfall Covenant

The Imperial noble Severianus hopes to recover his losses by collecting a debt from a merchant named Maximinus in the Market District. Ebonheart Pact

Quick WalkthroughEdit

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

This quest would have been accessible from an NPC in your Alliance's sewer base: Famius Sisenna in the Aldmeri Dominion Base, Venetia in the Daggerfall Covenant Base, and Severianus in the Ebonheart Pact Base. All three would have asked you to search for a man named Maximinus, who was not well-liked. Venetia outright hated him, Severianus wanted to collect a debt from him, and Famius merely wanted you to check to see if his neighbor had survived.

You would have found Maximinus dead somewhere in the Market District, with a letter next to his corpse.

"<A torn piece of paper addressed to "Maximinus Acidinus" lies beside this body.>"
<Looks like Maximinus didn't make it after all.>
"<A torn piece of paper lies beside the body.>"
<Looks like Maximinus didn't make it after all.>
"<A torn piece of paper addressed to Maximinus lies beside his body. Searching the body turns up a few coins.>"
<Looks like Severianus won't be collecting this debt.>

Quest StagesEdit

Going to Market
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
First step is to get to the Market District.
Now that I'm in the Market District, time to find Maximinus.
Now that I've reached the Market District, I should find Maximinus.
I've found Maximinus. He's dead but there's a letter next to his body.