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Online:General Nesh-Tan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
General Nesh-Tan
Home City Imperial City
Home Settlement Ebonheart Pact Base
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
General Nesh-Tan

General Nesh-Tan is an Argonian officer of the Ebonheart Pact found at their base located inside the Imperial Sewers.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

"Another recruit? We are glad to have you, friend. But I warn you—the city makes Cyrodiil seem like a mid-day wallow in a salt-meadow swamp. There are things here than would rattle Hist roots. Steel yourself."
I was told to report to you. I've come to help take the city. (Only if you collected the quest from a captain in Cyrodiil—otherwise skip down to "How can I help?")
"I am glad to hear it. Our gains have been … modest. A warrior of your skill and experience is most welcome."
What is the situation here in the city?
"Where to start …. We cannot cast a stone without hitting one of our enemies. The Daedra have corrupted every root and brick in the city proper. If we ever hope to claim the city, they will have to be dealt with. The sewers are just as bad. Worse."
Where should I start? / How can I help?
"When you find yourself in the middle of a lake, does it matter which shore you swim to? Enemies are everywhere. One dead Daedra will do just as well as another. Go and wreak havoc. Once we have thinned their ranks, then we will march on the tower."
Very well.
"Ah—one more thing.
There is a woman here in the city—a Dragonguard warrior calling herself the "Drake of Blades." She has brought us valuable intelligence, but her motives are too murky for my liking. If you meet her, be watchful."
As you wish.


After you have reported to the General, she will say one of the following:

"Show our enemies no mercy. People fear the Daedra—I would have them fear us more."
"This city will be ours, eventually. Of that, I am certain."
"This city has old bones. Solid, like Hist roots. It will serve the Pact well."

Cut ContentEdit

General Nesh-Tan would have been the quest giver for cut Dark Anchor dailies.

"Find <<1>>, our Fighters Guild contact in the Market District. It dries my scales to work with forces outside the Pact, but they have an intimate knowledge of the anchors' weaknesses.
You must destroy the anchor and take the Market for the Pact."

At one point, a Dark Elf known as General Furila may have had her role.