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Online:Furnishings/Battlegrounds Furnishers

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Image Name Type Cost Vendor(s) Description
  Brazier of the Fire Drakes (page) Lighting
0005000050,000   The fiery brazier burns with the fires of the Pit.
  Chained Skull of the Fire Drakes (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
00100000100,000   The large drake's skull is bound with powerful magic and chains.
  Crown of the Stormlords (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0007500075,000   The oversized crown of the Storm Lords is a symbol of regal prowess.
  Fire Drake's Skull (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00150000150,000   The stylized skull of a Fire Drake polished and lacquered by flame.
  Skull of the Pit Daemon (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00100000100,000   This mighty spiked skull from the Pit is emblazoned with Daedric script.
  Weathervane of the Stormlords (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
00125000125,000   This magical weathervane crackles with the might of the Storm.


Image Name Type Cost Vendor(s) Description
  Standard of the Fire Drakes (page) Parlor
0002500025,000   This standard displaying the stylized symbol of the Fire Drakes hangs from a central pole.
  Standard of the Pit Daemons (page) Parlor
0002500025,000   This standard displaying the stylized symbol of the Pit Daemons hangs from a central pole.
  Standard of the Stormlords (page) Parlor
0002500025,000   This standard displaying the stylized symbol of the Storm Lords hangs from a central pole.
  Tapestry of the Fire Drakes (page) Parlor
00100000100,000   This large wall tapestry displaying the stylized symbol of the Fire Drakes waves slightly in the wind.
  Tapestry of the Pit Daemons (page) Parlor
00100000100,000   This large wall tapestry displaying the stylized symbol of the Pit Daemons waves slightly in the wind.
  Tapestry of the Stormlords (page) Parlor
00100000100,000   This large wall tapestry displaying the stylized symbol of the Storm Lords waves slightly in the wind.