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Online:Forge-Wife Kharza

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Forge-Wife Kharza
Location Graystone Quarry
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Tumnosh Clan
Forge-Wife Kharza

Forge-Wife Kharza is an Orc found at Graystone Quarry, and the wife of Chief Ramash. She hired Neramo to help increase ore production within the mine.

Once you exit the mine she'll be just outside the entrance where she'll stay for the rest of the game.

Related QuestsEdit


Quarry ConundrumEdit

Character is a High Elf:
"Hey, have you seen an Elf anywhere around here? Talks a lot, kind of opinionated, looks a little like you?"
"Have you happened to see an Elf around here? Tall, spindly, talks way too much for his own good?"
I haven't seen anyone like that recently.
"No, of course not. That would have been too easy.
This is what I get for hiring a tuskless runt! He said he could "improve efficiency" in Graystone Quarry. What did we get for our trouble? First the fog. Then the screams. Then … nothing."
You haven't heard anything from the quarry?
"Not a word, and it smells like Elf mischief to me.
My husband, Chief Ramash, went down into the quarry to look for the Elf and find out what happened to our workers. He came back covered in blood. And I can tell you, Ramash doesn't bleed easily."
I can take a look in the quarry if you like.
"I'd appreciate any help you can provide. After what happened to the chief, the rest of the clan refuses to go anywhere near the quarry.
If you can get in there, find out what happened and make sure the quarry workers are safe."
Tell me more about what happened here.
"It's all because of that damn city they're building! The king needs stone for Orsinium's walls, for its keeps, for its damn towers!
I don't know where quarry overseer Yadurl found the Elf, but he claimed he could increase our production tenfold."
That's a bold claim.
"Typical Elf. Too clever for his own good, all tricks and hasty maneuvers.
But our clan depends on the quarry. It's our livelihood! If we can't determine what happened down there and fix it, the Tumnosh clan is finished."
Where's the chief now?
"In the longhouse, tending to his wounds and raging about the troubles that have befallen us.
By Malacath's crooked tusk, chiefs and their howling! He's useless when he's like this."
And who are you again?
"I'm Chief Ramash's forge-wife. Tumnosh is my clan and Graystone is our quarry. These recent troubles, on top of the pressure to provide more stone for Orsinium, are beginning to take a toll on us.
I tell you, it's enough to make Malacath weep!"

If you start the quest with Ghorn and then speak to her:

"Ramash may be too proud to ask for help from outsiders, but I'll take whatever I can get.
Orcs don't scare easy, but the remaining members of the clan are getting restless. They want to know what happened to their friends and families. And so do I."

After leaving the mine, she'll be among the crowd:

"As soon as our scouts sent word that people were emerging from the quarry, I hurried down to see what was happening.
So, where's that damned Elf and what did he do?"
Neramo found a Dwarven ruin under the quarry.
"Dwarves? That's the last thing I expected.
From the stories I've heard, things involving ancient ruins and Dwarves never turn out well."
Constructs went on a rampage, but Neramo was able to get them under control.
"Then the Elf survived? Perfect! That means I still get to wring his scrawny neck!
Wait a moment. What's that sound? Troll dung, it's the constructs! The damn Elf betrayed us!"
Wait, he just wants to ….

Neramo will appear with several dwarven constructs and the following can be heard:

Forge-Wife Kharza : "To arms, my clan mates! Let's show this mad Elf what we think of his Dwarven army!"
Neramo : "Don't be alarmed! I bring a gift! These constructs can work your quarry and build the great city of Orsinium."
Forge-Wife Kharza : "Damn you, Elf! I should kill you where you stand!"
Neramo : "What did I say? Please, my friend, make her see reason!"

Speak to her, and she'll say:

"He got half my workers killed, and now he insults us as well?
The Elf's blood price is steep and he's going to pay it very slowly."
Hasn't there been enough blood spilled? Neramo is just trying to help.
"Graystone Quarry belongs to Clan Tumnosh! It should be worked by Clan Tumnosh, not those metal monsters!
As long as one Tumnosh lives, we'll extract stone from this quarry just the way Malacath intended."
And what way is that?
"With Orc sweat and Orc muscle! We'd dishonor ourselves and our ancestors if we sat back and let machines do all the work for us.
It figures that an Elf would come up with such a disgraceful and dastardly plan!"
What if Neramo takes them to Orsinium and never returns here?
"Do you really think the other clans will accept this tuskless runt and his clockwork pets building the king's precious city?
It will divide the Orsimer even more than we already are, and that's saying something!"
You could petition the king and ask him to decide what to do with the constructs.
"By Malacath's swollen foot, you're an irritating one! But no, I won't have these metal monsters working alongside faithful Orcs.
Take the constructs to Orsinium if you wish. Just get them out of here. My clan wants nothing more to do with them."
So just exile the Elf and be done with this business.
"Finally, an outsider who makes sense. We ... appreciate the Elf's intentions, but it's not our way. We'll send him away and the quarry will be ours again--just as Malacath intended."
[Persuade] Take the constructs as your blood price and use them until you regain your strength.
"Their worth is considerable. And we'd be able to keep our quotas as we build back up.
You're right. Thank you for letting me see beyond my rage."

If you suggest to the clan that they "petition the king", she'll say:

"Those soft city Orcs may have a use for the constructs, but who can tell? As long as they wind up far away from here, that's all I care about."

After completing the quest, she'll remark:

"You've done us a great service. You'll always be welcome at Tumnosh Stronghold."
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