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Online:Fluvius Salva

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Fluvius Salva
Location Deepscorn Hollow
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Unmakers
Fluvius Salva

Fluvius Salva is an Imperial Unmaker cultist who can be found in Deepscorn Hollow.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After you and Bastian Hallix have freed some captives of the cult, he will suggest that you corner one of the cultists and interrogate them. In the next cavern you can disrupt one of their rituals and Fluvius Salva will run in the direction of Abandoned Excavation:

Fluvius Salva: "I'm not really with them! Don't hurt me!"
Bastian Hallix: "You there! Stop!"
<Bastian chases Fluvius through the doorway.>

Following them, you will find that Bastian subdued Fluvius Salva, though the cultist blusters:

Fluvius Salva: "You'd better not lay a finger on me! You have no idea who you're dealing with."
Bastian Hallix: "Zenithar give me patience."

Bastian will ask you to question the cultist:

"What is the meaning of this intrusion? Who are you people? What do you think you're doing here?
I warn you, I am favored by the Daughter of Sithis. She will avenge every injury you inflict on me!"
We need information. We're looking for Quistley Silvelle.
"Quistley Silvelle? He belongs to Lalais now. She is the Daughter of Sithis, and none dare defy her! Leave while you can—you're fools if you think you can save him from her."
Fine. Where is Lalais, then? When will she sacrifice Quistley?
"The Daughter of Sithis and her brother are in the Fane of Scorn. I don't know when she plans to grant Silvelle the Kiss of Sithis—someone else is to be sacrificed today.
I've told you what you wanted to know. Can I go?"
If Quistley isn't to be sacrificed, then who is?
"Some Dark Elf they caught. Even now she faces the Death of the Crystal Fangs in the next chamber.
Lalais herself presides in the Fane, below. I … haven't been invited there yet, so I don't know for sure where it is. Now let me go! Please?"
[Intimidate] If anything happens to Quistley, you're not walking out of here.
"No, no! Quistley is Lalais's consort. You'll find them in the Fane of Scorn, I think the way there is back the way you came. Or … or maybe ahead? He's safe for now, though. They've got someone else to sacrifice today.
Please don't hurt me!"
Another sacrifice?
"They caught a Dark Elf sneaking around. Even now she faces the Death of the Crystal Fangs in the ritual room just ahead, but Lalais isn't there. She and her brother are in the Fane, below. Your Quistley is with them, I think."

At this point, the conversation converges, you can progress the quest by asking Bastian what he wants to do, or you can ask Fluvius about the cult's beliefs:

Bastian, what do you want to do with this cultist? (Ends conversation and progress quest.)
Who are you people, anyway?
"We follow Sithis, Serpent of Chaos, Unmaker, Bringer of Endings. The Daughter of Sithis claims this place has been sacred to the Unmaker for years uncounted.
Only when all has been consumed in the jaws of the Void can the world be reborn!"
Why would you join a cult devoted to such things?
"War tears the Empire apart, Daedric sorcery scourges the land, chaos reigns. In times such as these, what power is greater than chaos?
It … seemed pretty exciting and different. Now, I'm not so sure. I didn't really expect all the killing."

Bastian will think that Fluvius knows more than he is saying, he suggests that you split up, with you rescuing Tenarei Vels and him questioning Fluvius further. Before you speak to Bastian about splitting up, you can speak to Fluvius who has second thoughts about his situation:

"I...might not have thought this though. I guess I didn't really think things would go this far.
Let me go, and you'll never see me again. I swear it."

As you leave, you can overhear the pair talk:

Fluvius Salva: "Please! I'll tell you anything you want. Just let me go!"
Fluvius Salva: "I know where a map of this place is. It's not far. Just, you know, don't hit me!"
Bastian Hallix: "Helpful of you. What else can you tell me?"