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Online:Father Egnatius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Father Egnatius
Location Imperial City: Temple of the One, Temple Rectory, Dragonfire Cathedral
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Father Egnatius

Father Egnatius is an Imperial priest found in the Imperial City. He is being held captive in the Temple of the One, where a Xivkyn named Xotos Vel is interrogating him.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Bleeding TempleEdit

Egnatius being interrogated by Xotos Vel

After you defeat Uzuruz, he will be released from his bonds. You'll hear a commotion outside as the Drake of Blades causes a distraction to cover your escape from the Temple:

Dremora Caitif: "To arms, kyn! That accursed Drake is setting off kindlepitch barrels again!"

Egnatius will thank you for the timely rescue before fleeing the Temple. He bids you to follow.

Father Egnatius: "Eight bless you, child! We shouldn't linger. Meet me in the southwest corner of the district. We have much to discuss."

You'll need to meet Father Egnatius inside the Temple Hideout.

"You escaped! Thank the Eight.
The Daedra know about this place. We shouldn't linger."
Are you all right?
"Yes … yes, I'm all right. Just need to catch my breath. You have my deepest, deepest thanks. I only wish more could have been saved."
The Drake of Blades told me that you might know something of Molag Bal's plans.
"The Drake sent you? Mara bless her.
In truth, I don't know much. Molag Bal's inquisitor, Xotos Vel, was asking all kinds of questions about a scroll we recently discovered. I told her I didn't know anything. She wasn't convinced. Eight forgive me."
So you do know something about the scroll she was asking about?
"Yes. And no.
I found it tucked between some of Marukh's polemics, just before the invasion. I've spent the better part of thirty years in those archives, friend. To find this scroll just days before the anchors fell … it can't be coincidence."
What's written on the scroll?
"Arcane references, ancient symbols …. It's not an Elder Scroll, mind you. It's nothing so majestic. But there is power in the text, of that I am certain.
Alas, I had to part with it. But don't worry—it is in good hands."
Do you think you could read it if you saw it again?
"Given time, yes. At the risk of sounding vain, I doubt there are any other priests in the city who can unlock its power. It's in the gaps, you see? The syntax. The text beneath the text.
The Eight guided me to this scroll. I must find out why."
Fair enough. Get to safety. We'll see about getting you this scroll.

If you speak to him again, he says:

"I'll be off as soon as I can. I'm afraid these old legs aren't what they used to be."
Father Egnatius at the Sublime Brazier

The Sublime BrazierEdit

When you enter the Ancient Underground, the Drake of Blades will notice that you have unwanted guests.

Drake of Blades: "Malivus. He's already here! Damn."
<General Malivus is in front of the Dragonfire Cathedral's front entrance, besieging it with an army of Daedra.>
General Malivus: "Take that door down!"
Drake of Blades: "They didn't skimp. Malivus brought his entire elite guard. I hope you brought more than planks and nails, Caudex."
Father Egnatius: "They haven't breached the doors yet. Akatosh is with us."
Captain Caudex: "I sent soldiers ahead to barricade the doors. They'll hold. I'm just not sure for how long."

He ushers you through the door as you approach the Cathedral.

Father Egnatius: "We must begin the ritual at once. Hurry, inside."

When you enter the Dragonfire Cathedral, Father Egnatius will lead you to the Brazier.

Father Egnatius: "The Sublime Brazier should be this way. Follow me."
Captain Caudex: "I sent my soldiers outside to cause some havoc—keep the Daedra off-guard. I'd bet they're doing just that."

When you enter the Brazier's chamber, Egnatius and the Drake will approach it.

Father Egnatius: "The time has come, my friend. You must kneel before the Brazier."
Drake of Blades: "Right. To show humility … obedience. I can do obedient. Just watch me."
<The Drake kneels, and Father Egnatius begins the ritual.>
Father Egnatius: "Lord Akatosh, Dragon-God of Time, a faithful supplicant kneels before you. She has served you for many lean years. Let her service now be everlasting!"
Father Egnatius: "Grant her your divine power. Bless her with the strength to defend this holy cathedral, and the will to endure a life of seclusion."
Father Egnatius: "Drape your exalted wings around her, and your works will be-"
<An explosion is heard out by the doors, causing Father Egnatius to recoil.>
Captain Caudex: "Hurry it up, Father. Molag Bal is knocking."
Drake of Blades: "Don't rush the man, Captain. But yes, Egnatius, you really should hurry this up."
General Malivus: "Assault the Cathedral! Destroy the Brazier! Leave none alive!"
Father Egnatius: "This ritual cannot be interrupted! You must hold the Cathedral until it is complete. Go!"
Captain Caudex: "Follow me. Let's go send these Daedric beasts back to Oblivion!"

After the Daedroth has been slain, you must head back to the Drake and the priest. Portals will open in the chamber as the ritual begins to affect the Drake of Blades.

General Malivus: "Slaughter the mortals! Destroy the Brazier!"
Father Egnatius: "Just a bit longer! You must hold!"
Drake of Blades: "My head … what's happening inside my head …?"

After General Malivus is defeated, the Drake stands up and offers herself to Akatosh.

Father Egnatius: "Lord Akatosh, we beseech you! Grant this mortal warrior your blessing, that she may keep watch over this holy place! No, my child …."
Drake of Blades: "Lord Akatosh, I am yours! I pledge my blades and my soul to your service! I am your shield and your vengeance, now and for all time!"
<The Drake begins to levitate.>
Drake of Blades: "Oh. That's different."
<She is carried above the Brazier, phasing through it to float over the pit. Fire spews from the four metal Dragons comprising the Brazier.>
Drake of Blades: "Aaaaaaaaagh!"
<The Drake is imbued with Divine light.>
Drake of Blades: "I can … I can see everything."
<Portals open, and between forty and sixty Daedra enter the chamber.>
Drake of Blades: "More Daedra? No. You are not welcome here."
<The Daedra charge at the Brazier, and the Drake of Blades unleashes a wave of Divine fire, distintegrating every last one of them in mere seconds.>
Father Egnatius: "Eight protect us …."
<A portal opens up behind the Drake. Captain Caudex and Father Egnatius exit the Cathedral by stepping through it.>
Drake of Blades: "That's the last of them, yes? Good riddance."

After you enter the Drake's portal, you need to speak with Egnatius to end the quest.

"Ah, it's good to see you again. I can scarcely believe we survived, let alone succeeded. The Eight have been kind, to you and I at least."
So, the Brazier is safe.
"Yes, I believe it is. Akatosh be praised. Molag Bal will lash out, but the Dragonfires are safe, thanks to you.
I only wish the price had been less dear. Centuries of lonely service is a heavy burden. I will pray for the Drake—and for you."
Father Egnatius back at Ebonheart Pact Base

If you speak to him back at your Alliance Base after the quest, he'll say:

"You look weary, my friend. Why not have a seat? Stay and talk a while."
What will you do now that the Brazier is secure?
"Truthfully? I'll rest. At least for a little while. These last few months have been the longest of my life. It feels like years since I just sat down."
Are you going to leave the city?
"At my age? What would I do? Where would I go? No … no, my life is here. There are wounds to mend, and relics to protect.
And then there is the Drake. She committed herself to city, body and soul. I couldn't bear to look at myself if I did less."
Do you think we'll ever see her again?
"No. Not in this lifetime. Perhaps, if we're very lucky, we'll see her again in Aetherius. But we needn't rush to meet her. I suspect she will be here in Mundus for a very long time."
Do you think the Drake will be all right down in the Cathedral?
"Oh, I think she'll be fine. You needed worry. Akatosh will keep her safe in his hands."
But won't she get bored?
"I doubt it. Did you notice her eyes? Akatosh blessed her with a second sight. She sees things as the saints do now. Yes, the Cathedral looked like cobwebs and old stones to us. But to her? I can hardly fathom the things she's seen."
She did mention fireflies…
"You see?
The truth is like a window, my friend—bright and clean, but shrouded with many curtains. Akatosh has thrown those curtains open for the Drake. A fitting gift for such a loyal warrior."
Have you spoken to Captain Caudex?
"Since our adventure in the Cathedral? No.
As you well know, Anatolius is committed to protecting his bastion in the Nobles District. He likely returned to his soldiers as soon as we said our farewells."
You don't approve?
"I worry for him. With the scroll gone, he may well have lost his own immortality. Without it, I fear the garrison will be lost, and his soldiers with it. He is far from reckless, but …."
But what?
"He has the strength and wisdom to do real good here. There's no telling how many civilians he could rescue if he put his mind to it. But instead, he defends that crumbling ruin. When he held the scroll, I understood. But now? It smacks of pride."
I could…
"No, no. Forgive me.
I'm an old man, my friend. Age brings more than wisdom, I'm afraid. It makes us forgetful and ill-humored. If I still had Caudex's strength, I'd probably be defending that garrison as well. He's a good man. I'll leave it at that."

