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Online:Draping Locks

< Elder Scrolls Online: Hair Styles
"Veya's a practical child. While others her age favor short hair or intricate braids, she merely tucks her hair behind her ears and gets on with the task at hand. She'll excel at whatever she wants."—Vilyn Hlas, tutor employed by Councilor Eris
Draping Locks
ON-icon-hairstyle-Draping Locks.png
Draping Locks
Type Hair Style
Acquired From Daily Reward
Crown Store
Price 00600600 Crowns
Availability October 14th - 31st, 2022

The Draping Locks is a unisex hairstyle that can be worn by all races. It was available as a reward during the month of October in 2022.

The Draping Locks were later available in the Crown Store for 00600600 Crowns from March 25 to March 28, 2024.


Appearances: 2

  • Daily Rewards — Day 14, October 2022
  • Crown Store — March 25, 2024 - March 28, 2024


  • It is named Calibrated Coiffure in the files.
  • It is used by several NPCs, including Fa-Nuit-Hen, Velsa, Veya Releth and Aldarch Tilcalar.
  • When the daily reward unlocked, the official twitter account asked users to post their characters using it.[1] The staff enjoyed the thread and encouraged users on ESO Live to keep posting on it.[2]
  • The Draping Locks are an uncolored version of the Azure Ombre hairstyle.

