Critical Resistance reduces the amount of damage you take from Critical Damage.
Percentage Reduction = (Critical Resistance / [player level, capped at 66])
The Percentage Reduction is subtracted from the attacker's Critical Damage bonuses.
For Example: Without any bonuses to Critical Damage, an attacker would have a 1.5 Critical Damage bonus. If you have a full set of Impenetrable body armor in gold quality, for 258 * 7 = 1806 Critical Resistance, on a CP160+ character this comes out to 1806 / 66 = 27.4% Percentage Reduction. This comes out to (1.5 - 0.274) = 1.226 Critical Damage multiplier for incoming damage. In other words, a 1000 damage hit that would normally do 1500 upon critical strike will now only do 1226 damage upon critical strike to the Resistant target (a 22.3% reduction in incoming damage from that Critical Strike).
Critical damage resistance 66 = 1% Critical Damage Reduction.
- A critical strike can never deal less damage than a non-critical strike. If your Critical Resistance would cause the damage to go below that of a non-critical strike, then the damage is limited to the same amount as a non-critical strike.