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Online:Crafting Motif 110: Dreadsails Chests

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Book Information
Crafting Motif 110: Dreadsails Chests
ID 6976
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Crafting Motif 110: Dreadsails Chests
A description of what Dreadsails chests should look like

Welcome to the fleet, captain. First things first, take everything you think about running a crew and toss it in the drink. You pledge your ship to the Dreadsail fleet, you run your rigging as the Fleet Queen says.

Don't like it? Better you turn and sail straight back to Pyandonea right now, before you wind up dredged through the reef until you've sprinkled every last scrap of your flesh for the barnacles to suck up. If that's all clear, then quarter your crew and start outfitting them like proper Dreadsails.


Light ornaug leather vests and chest wraps are most of what you're going to find available. You'll be expected to outswim a shark and scale a ship's hull in anything you wear, so don't claim any steel you haven't got the gills for.