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Online:Centurion Andrin

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Centurion Andrin
Home City Riften
Location In front of the Fighters Guildhall
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Centurion Andrin

Centurion Andrin is a Nord member of the Ebonheart Pact. He can be found in front of the local Fighters guildhall in Riften.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Pulled UnderEdit

After you learn about what happened to Yiri's father, you will report the findings to the Centurion that the Worm Cult is involved but the Centurion isn't willing to help due to the shortage of manpower.

"Are you a Jarl, General, or a member of the gods-cursed Tribunal? No? Then shove off!"
There are zombies in Riften, Centurion. The Worm Cult is among us.
"This again? Look, the cult is gone. I was dispatched to the city with all of five soldiers. The rest marched off after the giant. I don't have the manpower to investigate rumors."
I can investigate, then.
"If you want to waste your time, fine. I won't stop you from looking."
Thank you.

He suggests you questioning the homeless citizens in the city:

"If you're going to wander the city, might as well start on the east side of town. The homeless there tend to complain louder than the others."
Why don't you care about these people?
"Who says I don't care? Look, we have refugees from all over the Rift here. We've got wounded from the attack, and soldiers staging into the rest of the Smokefrosts. I don't have time to run down every crazy claim."

After finishing your investigation and stopping the Worm Cult plot in Riften, you will return to him. You prove him wrong by presenting a shard of Wuuthrad that Anchorite Garmar left and he will take the Worm Cult threat seriously:

"You're back. I hope the skeever hunt went well. Killed all the zombies, made us safe?"
The Worm Cult was here. I've pushed them out of Riften, but they left with a shard of Wuuthrad.
"A shard of Wuuthrad. Here? You must be joking. The Worm Cult is a danger to us all. Though, from the look on your face, I can see you're not. We'll double patrols with the five men we have. In the meantime, thank you for running them out of town."

After the quest:

"I'll set the few troops I have to search out any remaining cultists. If any of those Worms remain behind, we'll find them."

A Walk Above the CloudsEdit

After retrieving the Wuuthrad Shard at Forelhost, you will make your way down the mountain. You will find Centurion Andrin, two Pact Soldiers and Veldrana waiting for you. The centurion will take the shard back to Riften for safekeeping until you need it for the mission at Trolhetta:

If you completed Pulled Under:

"Ah, you again. Veldrana's been regaling us with your heroics. Captain Viveka led a Riften Guard patrol out here. We're following up."

Otherwise, if this is your first meeting with him:

"Ho there. We've been hearing about your exploits from Veldrana. We're up here looking for a patrol from Riften that seems to have gone missing."
I found one of Wuuthrad's shards. I didn't see any Riften guards up there.
"Shor's Bones! I'm glad to hear that. On both counts! I wasn't looking forward to going up there. The mountain has a terrible reputation. I'll take the shard back to Riften and keep it safe until you need it."

After the quest:

"Now! We just need to find Viveka and get her back to town. And I can forget about these gods-cursed mountains."

Securing the PassEdit

He will be at the Pact camp at Trolhetta if you completed A Walk Above the Clouds. He will be outside of a tent next to Jorunn and other Pact leaders. If you speak to him before speaking to Jorunn, he'll say:

"Good to see you again, my friend."

After accepting the quest, he'll say:

"Once you lead us to the top of Trolhetta, the battle against Sinmur can begin!"

After the quest, you will find him on top of the summit with Hallfrida and Centurion Andrin:

"Now to ascend to the summit of Trolhetta and defeat Sinmur!"

Stomping SinmurEdit

After speaking to Vigrod and before entering the summit:

"Defeat Sinmur and we'll scatter the Worm Cult to the four winds."

After you defeated Sinmur and spoke to Jorunn:

"This time we should burn that giant to ashes. And then scatter the ashes to the winds.
Have you spoken with Vigrod yet?"

After speaking to Vigrod:

"Let's hope this is the last time we have to kill Sinmur. King Jorunn has been looking for you."

After the quest:

"The Worm Cult is finished here. With Sinmur dead, their threat to the Rift is over."

Ambient DialogueEdit

Centurion Andrin has other, unsubtitled dialogue, directed towards Sergeant Krathon and Sethisa Herethi, who are standing at attention not too far away in front of the guildhall in Riften.

"This is war! There's no time for romance!"
"I want this post running smooth and by the numbers!"
"If I catch you two kissing on post again, I'll send you both to Cyrodiil!"
"No more dereliction of duty."
"The citizens think we're doing nothing."
"The situation is bad enough here. I don't need you making it worse."
"It's all double shifts from now on!"
"The people out there depend on us."
"How many times do I have to reprimand you? I can't have you two sneaking off to ... dally."