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Home City OrsiniumOrsinium
Location Shrieking Scar
Silverhoof Vale
Race Orc Gender Male
Health (?)
Reaction Friendly
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Follower The Dagger's Edge
Faction(s) The Daggers
Gaspard's Stalkers (formerly)

Bumnog is an Orc and a member of the mercenary group The Daggers. He helps you at Shrieking Scar to find Armel Remly, Balin Remly and Gelvin Feldrin, other members of the group.

You can also encounter him at Silverhoof Vale, where he'll, again, require assistance in finding his assistants.

Before joining The Daggers, Bumnog fought alongside his friends Kurog gro-Bagrakh and Bazrag the Butcher, who later became King Kurog and Chief Bazrag.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Dagger's EdgeEdit

After getting orders from Lord Alain Diel or Leonce Diel, Bumnog will appear behind you:

"You're going to help me find the rest of the Daggers? Hmm. I'm not sure you're Dagger material.
Your hands look kind of soft and delicate. Like you've never beaten anything into submission with your own two fists before."
Just tell me what's going on here.
"The Daggers were hired to help Lord Diel gather research about the harpies. We get him what he needs and we get paid. Simple as pie.
But now the rest of the Daggers are missing. We need to find them and make sure our first mission is a success."
This is the Daggers' first job?
"Everyone has to start someplace. Even the Fighters Guild had a first mission, didn't they? Who are you to judge?
Now let's get out there and do what we're getting paid for. Let's find the Daggers and bring back their research!"
What kind of research are we talking about?
"Harpies, eggs, whatever we can bring back so Lord Diel can figure out why these birds have become so violent lately."
And what do we need to do?
"We have to find the missing Daggers! Gelvin, our leader, and the Remly brothers. We find them and help them finish their jobs.
And while we're at it, we look for the queen birdy, Foulwing. She's a vicious killer and she needs to be dealt with."
Can I ask you a few questions?
"We shouldn't dawdle, so make it quick."
Who are the Daggers?
"We're an odd bunch, that's for sure. Gelvin found each of us either drinking away our troubles or begging for gold on the streets of Daggerfall.
We were good for nothing and all but forgotten. Gelvin wanted to change that."
Why'd you decide to form your own group?
"A few of us tried to join the city guard or hook up with the Fighters Guild. Truth be told, they wouldn't have us. We weren't good enough for them.
So we formed the Daggers to show them that they're wrong."
How did the Daggers hook up with Lord Diel?
"Lord Diel's guards were in the city, looking to hire some muscle. They found us in the Rosy Lion, celebrating our newly formed partnership.
We needed a job, Lord Diel needed some help, and here we are."
Did you ask about the job before you accepted it?
"Well, not really. We were talking about how we needed to find a job, and suddenly Lord Diel's men were making us an offer.
We took it as a sign that we were doing the right thing. The Daggers were going places!"
Why don't you use a weapon?
"I vowed that I would always face my opponents as an equal. If an enemy came at me with a sword, I would meet his blade with one of my own.
The harpies fight with claws. How could I go up against them with anything more than the fists nature gave me?"
But their claws are sharp as razors ….
"Sharp and natural. They don't wield weapons, so neither will I.
I will fight them head on, fists against claws. And I will do so with honor."
"What are we still standing around for? Let's go find the Daggers and get this job done.
With the gold that Lord Diel pays us, we can set up a shop within the city and buy proper uniforms and everything."

As you approach Gelvin Feldrin, Bumnog will say:

Bumnog: "Wait … is that Gelvin up there? What in Malacath's name is he tangled up in?"

After speaking to Gelvin, Bumnog will say:

"Try not to judge the Daggers on what you've seen so far. We're a good group and we mean well.
Now, enough talking. Let's go hit something!"

As you approach the Remly brother's location, you'll hear the two arguing:

Balin Remly: "How in the Eight do you expect to trap a flying harpy with a trap set on the ground? You're an idiot, you know that, right?"
Armel Remly: "You know I hate it when you yell at me, brother. Now calm down and help me figure out how to get a harpy to trip a wire on the … ground. Hmm, I see the problem now."
Bumnog: "Looks like we found the Remly brothers."

After agreeing with Balin Remly to help capture some harpies, he'll say:

"Wonder why Lord Diel is so interested in keeping these things alive? What can you learn when a damn harpy is trying to peck your eyes out?"

As you near Foulwing, you'll find some bones:

Bumnog: "This is a fresh kill. Be alert. Whatever did this could be watching us."

Defeat the harpy and he'll say:

Bumnog: "That's all that Lord Diel asked us to do. Let's head back, but I want to have a chat before we enter the camp."

Before you reach camp, Bumnog will stop you wanting to talk:

Bumnog: "This is a good spot. Let's talk here before we return to the camp."
"Listen, you've helped the Daggers. A lot. And we appreciate it. But before we go back to camp, I need to make sure you understand something."
I'm listening.
"Gelvin has a good head and a good heart. Always puts the Daggers first and keeps us on the right side of the law.
Of course, that's part of the reason we're still struggling. Sometimes mercenaries can't be too choosey 
[sic] about the jobs they take."
Why are you telling this to me?
"This Lord Diel, something's not right with him. Why does a noble care about harpies?
But whatever. It doesn't matter. The Daggers need to get paid. If not, our mercenary group collapses and we're all back to the streets. Again."
What do you think Diel is up to?
"You're not listening. I'm saying that it doesn't matter. He could be a saint or Molag Bal himself.
What matters is that we get paid so the Daggers can stay together. Got that? Now let's get back to camp."

Try to speak to him before speaking to Lord Diel and he'll only say:

"They'll be time for questions once we get paid."

After speaking to Diel, Bumnog will question the location of Gelvin:

"I wonder what happened to Gelvin? He should have been back by now.
Maybe his sister Granette knows where he might have gotten to."

Speak to Granette and Bumnog decides to join you:

"I couldn't help overhearing. I know the house that Granette told you about.
I think I'll go with you. I want to make sure that Gelvin isn't having second thoughts. We really need to get paid for this job."

Approach Miltrin's Fishing Cabin and Bumnog will pause:

Bumnog: "You go and talk to him. I'll wait out here. Remember what I said. Daggers first. Ideals second."

Inside the cabin you'll uncover Diel's plot. Decide whether or not to expose the noble.

Lord Diel is ExposedEdit

If you decided to expose Diel, Bumnog will say:

"So Gelvin killed the bastard? I didn't think he had it in him.
It still doesn't change the fact that he botched our entire deal. I told you to talk him out of it."
Lord Diel planned to sell the harpies and eggs. He was using you.
"Yeah, I figured that out. His lordship was also behind the whole harpy menace thing, too, wasn't he?
Well, it's a good thing I decided not to count on Gelvin to turn a profit."
What do you mean?
"I snatched this from the camp when no one was looking. It's not much, but a few gems are better than no gems at all.
Why don't you tell Gelvin that you found it on his lordship's body. We don't want him to think I stole it or anything."
Why don't you just give it to Gelvin?
"Well, I trust you. Besides, I need to set these birdies free, and they're not going to be very happy when I do. You've dealt with enough Dagger business for one day. Leave this to me.
Go on, go on. I'll catch up later."

Speaking to him again:

"Just tell Gelvin you found those gems on his lordship's body. If he knew I acquired it, he'd want me to return it or give it away or something unselfish like that."

The Daggers Get PaidEdit

If you let Lord Diel get away with his scheme, everyone will be on the docks outside Miltrin's Fishing Cabin:

"Remember what we talked about and this will all turn out very profitable for everyone involved."

After negotiating with Lord Diel, Gelvin will come down the dock and accept payment from Lord Diel. Gelvin walks back up the dock:

Bumnog: "You did the right thing, old friend. Don't beat yourself up over it."
Gelvin Feldrin: "I hope you're right, Bumnog. I hope you're right."

After the deal is done:

"I'm glad Gelvin came to his senses.
He doesn't realize it yet, but sometimes you have to make wrong decisions for the right reasons. This was one of those times."

Rusty DaggersEdit

You will find Bumnog either at the eastern or western entrance into Silverhoof Vale. As you approach you'll hear him either say "Now where have those two gone off to?" or "Is there trouble brewing? Or are they wasting time again?"

If you talk to him, Bumnog's greeting will depend on whether you met him in Glenumbra previously:

First time Meeting
Completed The Dagger's Edge
"Oh! Hello there. Sorry I didn't see you coming. I'm keeping my eye out for harpies. And a pair of puny Breton brothers."
Breton brothers?
"Yeah, the Remly brothers. The three of us were hired by the village here to drive off the harpies infesting the cliffs. Those geniuses are supposed to be setting up harpy traps. I'm here to protect the encampment while they work."
So what's the problem?
"They've been out there for hours. I don't know what's taking them so long. Could you look for them? I'd go myself, but I've got to keep watch over the village. I'd be very grateful … and so would my gold pouch."
I'll find the Remly brothers.
"Once you find them, get them back here right away. We've got to let the elder know how we're doing. She's been waiting on our progress report. And between you and me, I think she's getting a little impatient."
"It's you! Good to see you, mate. It's been a while since Shrieking Scar.
Sorry I didn't see you coming. I'm busy keeping an eye out for harpies. And those puny Breton brothers."
Breton brothers?
"You've already forgotten the Remly brothers, eh? I wish I could. The three of us were hired to drive off the harpies infesting the cliffs.
Armel and Balin are supposed to be setting up traps, and I'm here to protect the village while they work."
You think there was a problem again?
"If I had to guess, yes. I just don't know what's taking them so long. They've been out there for hours.
Could you help out your old friends, go look for them? I'd go myself but I've got to keep watch here."
I'll find the Remly brothers.
"Once you find those trap wizards, get them back here on the double.
We've got to let the elder know how we're doing. She's been waiting on our progress report. And between you and me, I think she's getting a little impatient."

You can then ask Bumnog some questions and catch up if you've met previously:

Can we talk a moment? / Do you have a moment to talk about you [sic] contract here?
"My pleasure! I can talk to you and watch for harpies at the same time.
We're really proving ourselves here, I think. Proving our worth as sellswords. Or we would be if those two morons weren't ruining everything."
What is this place?
"A little village of horse nomads. The place is called Silverhoof Vale. Their elder tried to tell me all about her love for the Herd Mother, and … yeah. My eyes just kind of glazed over when she got to the part about talking horses."
Why did you take this contract?
"The Fighters Guild has stopped doing one-shot contracts, right? Off on some grand quest to kill the Daedra. So we have a chance to make a name for ourselves! Critters like these harpies are still causing trouble. That's where we come in."
Sounds like you've made a lot of gold.
"Well … we're still working out the particulars, mind you. If you join the Fighters Guild, you get all that armor and weapons and training. We just have the Remly brothers and my bad attitude to rely on."
Where are the others? Gelvin and his sister?
"Shornhelm. We're always on the look out for the next job, right? Gelvin decided we had this well in-hand, so he and that sister of his set out for the city. Wish he was here now to keep those two knuckleheads in line."
It's been a while. What have you been up to? (Appears if you completed The Dagger's Edge)
"A job here, a job there, the usual.
We're no longer called the Daggers though. Seems a mysterious someone had a claim to the name and didn't want it tarnished. A threatening note and near-death experience later, we dropped the name."
So you're trapping harpies again?
"Right! We actually get harpy jobs pretty frequently. Seems we have a bit of a reputation for being competent against harpies, and that's all because of your help."
Sided with Lord Diel:
Sided with Harpies:
What ever happened between you and Lord Diel?
"We got paid. That's all that needed to happen.
Gelvin's been far more careful about what jobs we accept, though, and Lord Diel's praise of our work is a good reference."
And you stuck together after Lord Diel didn't pay you.
"Yeah, those gems got us by long enough to get another job. It helped that revealing his scheme actually made us more popular among the locals."

If you speak to Bumnog before finding the brothers, you'll find him in Makar the Elder's cave, where he'll say:

"The entire village lives in these caves. Guess it saves on building materials, and gives them some protection from the harpies."
Why are you the only one from your crew here in camp?
"I'm the muscle. I know how to talk to people and organize things. The Remly brothers are much better at that fine-control stuff, anyway. Most days, they're actually pretty clever little guys."

After you helped the brothers, follow the quest marker back to Makar the Elder's cave. There you'll witness the following scene:

Makar the Elder : "Are you telling me you've made absolutely no progress on the contract we signed with you?"
Balin Remly : "It's Armel's fault. His stupid trap malfunctioned again."
Armel Remly : "It's not my fault! Those harpies are crafty! And bloodthirsty!"
Makar the Elder : "Is that why you reek? What is that smell?"
Bumnog : "The harpies! They're here! The scent lure on these two brought the whole flock down on us!"
Armel Remly : "We need to wash this stuff off before the harpies get us! To the pond!"
Makar the Elder : "Please, go with them. The villagers and I will hide from the beasts."

Go down to the pond and the battle will begin as you fend off the harpies as the Remly brothers try to wash the smell of the scent lures off of them. Throughout the encounter, the three will make comments on their progress, the current situation of the battle, and snide quips at each other:

Bumnog : "Get ready! Here they come!"
Armel Remly : "Could someone get my back please?"
Balin Remly : "I'm scrubbing as fast as I can!"
Bumnog : "Hey! What do you say we just leave the Remly brothers for the harpies? Bird-women need love too!"
Balin Remly : "We're almost done! Just a little longer!"

Once the Harpy Matriarch is defeated, Bumnog will note:

Bumnog : "Believe it or not, I think we solved their harpy problem! Nice work! Let's get back to the village and check in with the elder."

On approach to the elder's cave, Bumnog will gesture you over to him and whisper:

Bumnog : "Hey, over here. Just a moment, before you go inside …."

Speak to him and he'll say:

"Before you go in, I need to talk to you."
What do you need? / What do you need my help with?
"The village elder, she's not sure we did any work. And look, I know we messed up a little. And you helped us out. A lot!
But we're trying to build a reputation here. And most of our jobs don't go like this. So could you … stretch the truth?"
You want me to lie about how much work your crew did?
"Whoa, whoa, lie is such a strong word! We set out traps, and the scent lures worked just as they were supposed to!
And most of the harpies are gone now, right? So everything worked out … after a fashion."
What'll happen if I tell the truth?
"If she doesn't think we met our end of the contract, the elder won't pay us. And she'll probably spread the word that we're idiots.
Eventually, we'll starve to death. Is that what you want? For all of us to starve?"
Why don't you use a weapon?
"I vowed that I would always face my opponents as an equal. If an enemy came at me with a sword, I would meet his blade with one of my own.
The harpies fight with claws. How could I go up against them with anything more than the fists nature gave me?"
But their claws are sharp as daggers.
"Sharp and natural. They don't wield weapons, so neither will I.
I will fight them head on, fists against claws. And I will do so with honor."

Speaking to him again:

"You can't leave us out to dry. We're good, mostly honest fellows. Trying to make a living. You're not so different than us when it comes down to it."

If you agree to lie and save The Dagger's reputation, the following scene will play out:

Makar the Elder : "Your friend has vouched for your good work. Though your methods were unconventional, you greatly thinned the harpy flock."
Bumnog : "All in a day's work. We're glad we could help!"
Makar the Elder : "Here's the agreed-upon payment. Stories of your heroic deeds will be told to all those that pass through our camp."
Bumnog : "Thank you. Our business is all word of mouth, so that'll be a huge help. And thank you, friend! We won't forget your support, either."

And speaking to him, he'll say:

"The brothers and I appreciate your help, my friend! I know this job might have been a little rough, but we're getting better with every contract. You'll see!"
Good luck, Bumnog.
"There aren't many that would've helped us out. I'm grateful. Grateful enough to share some of our payment. As a thank you for all your help."

If spoken to again, he'll say:

"Going to have to figure out how to turn this gold into more jobs. Maybe we should have some handbills scribed out? Hmm...."

On the other hand, if you say you did most of the work, and speak to him before completing the quest, he'll only say:

"I can't believe this! I should cut my losses with these idiots. Work on my own!"

Once you complete the quest, the following scene will play out:

Makar the Elder : "According to the contract, you were to complete the project without additional help."
Bumnog : "What? Maybe we didn't work in a conventional way, but we got rid of the harpies."
Makar the Elder : "In accordance with our contract, your pay goes to the one who did the work, not to you."
Bumnog : "Gelvin is not going to be happy when he hears this."

If you speak to him again, he'll say:

"I've got to figure out what I'm going to do next. Gelvin and his sister are going to kill me for screwing this up."

Either way, he'll then turn to the brothers and say:

Bumnog : "Get off your arses, boys. Go take down those traps. We don't need them anymore."
Armel Remly : "But Bumnog! We just finished setting them up!"
Balin Remly : "I get to take down the pots. It's your turn to get caught up in those nets."

Long Live the KingEdit

Speak to Bizra and she'll mention a friend of hers and Chief Bazrag. You'll then hear a familiar voice:

Bumnog: "Well I'll be a harpy's uncle! I never expected to see you here."
"Are you a sight for sore eyes! What brings you to the arse end of Malacath's wasteland?
No, you don't have to answer that. I can guess why you're here. This is just the kind of place that attracts people like you. You can't help yourself."
You're Chief Bazrag's old friend?
"Well, I don't know "Chief" Bazrag, but Bazrag the Butcher? Him and me go way back! We were all part of Gaspard's Stalkers, the best mercenary company to ever fight its way across Hammerfell and Elsweyr.
But you don't want to hear old war stories."
Chief Bazrag asked me to deliver this letter.
"Let me see that. Interesting. So Bazrag wants to give Kurog a traditional Orsimer requiem, does he? I heard that the king was dead. I guess this confirms it.
But I'll be a harpy's hairdresser if I can figure out how you're involved in all this."
Chief Bazrag and I stopped Kurog.
"I suppose the job of king-slayer pays well. You could have sent word. Me and my crew haven't exactly been turning away offers with a stick, you know."
I was kind of busy.
"You couldn't take a moment to send a message to old friends? Yeah, well, maybe Bazrag can set us up with work after the funeral. I'll have to ask him about that.
I hope they're going to have food at this thing."

Speak to him again and he'll add:

"Feels like I missed most of the fun. Who knew an Orc city could be so exciting?
I wonder if my crew could find work here? I'll have to ask Bazrag about that when I see him."

The FuneralEdit

Make your way to the Castle Overlook:

Chief Bazrag: "Old friends, I'm glad to see you. This … is very important to me."
Bumnog: "I'm just sorry I missed all the action. It looks like you could have used another hand or two."
Bizra: "Bumnog and hands. I think it's an obsession."

Speak to him:

"Never liked funerals, never will."

After Bazrag's speech:

"King Bazrag? I guess it has a sort of ring to it. I just hope he knows what he's getting into."

Back in the keep, you'll hear:

Ulsha: "I'm glad you're here. How long has it been?"
Bumnog: "Too long, that's for sure. But we can't all be shield-wife to a king!"

Speak to him:

"I wish my crew back in Daggerfall could see me now! Here I am, sharing food and drink with the king of the Orsimer!"
How's the crew doing?(This dialogue may not appear before you turn in the quest)
"Galvin still agonizes over every job we accept, making sure it hits his high code of honor.
As for the Remly brothers, they're as useless as ever. You should have seen their last invention. Almost took out my eye!"
