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Online:Blackwood Guard

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Blackwood Guard
Location Throughout Blackwood
Race Imperial Gender Varies
Health 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Tamriel Guard
Blackwood Guard

Blackwood Guards are Imperial guards who can be found protecting many settlements throughout Blackwood.


Blackwood Guards pull from the Breton guard dialogue pool.

Female BretonEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"Stop right there!"
"Don't take another step!"
"Stop there, churl!"
"Halt! Halt! Halt I say!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"I can't believe I caught you! I scarcely thought it possible. Well, let's end the chase properly, eh?"
"It's great to meet you! I wish it were under better circumstances. Alas, I must ask for your bounty."
"I envy you. Such a freewheeling life you must lead! I'm doomed to just demand bounties, I suppose."
"My helm's off to you! It's rare that I catch such a talented criminal. A pity you must pay the fine."
"It's not everyday I catch such a daring rogue! It is an honor to claim your bounty, truly!"
"What a catch! I'll certainly have a story to tell tomorrow at muster! Now, about that bounty…."
"Look, I'm not a brave guard. I just want to do my job and get out of here. I hope you understand."
"You've shown us what a tremendous criminal you are––now show us what an upstanding citizen you can be!"
"I can't help but notice you're armed. Um…would you be willing to pay your bounty?"
"It's an honor to meet you! I'm hardly worthy to demand your bounty. But here I am."
"Halt, you vile offender! As much as this depresses me, I must uphold the letter of the law!"
"Nothing matters. We're all going to die. But pay your bounty and clear one black mark before the end."
"I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding. Pay your bounty and allow me to clear your record."
"Seeing you like that, with a bounty on your head, saddens my heart. Pay your bounty. Make me smile."
"If you refuse to settle your accounts, then I'm afraid you will leave me no choice."
"The fine assessed for your crime is perfectly reasonable. Will you pay?"
"If you pay your bounty, we can avoid an unfortunate turn of events."
"I believe we can clear up this situation as soon as you pay the proper bounty."
"Sometimes I wonder, what's the point? You're just going to go out and break the law again."
"I can make all your legal troubles go away. For the usual bounty, of course."
"This is a simple clerical matter. Pay your bounty and we can remove this blemish from your record."
"Such sad business, collecting criminal bounties. Now pay up before I start weeping."
"I am here to assist you, citizen. As soon as I collect your bounty, this will all be over."
"Could I possibly convince you to do the right thing and pay your fine? Please?"
"How depressing. You have a bounty on your head. If you pay it and clear your name, I'll still be sad."
"There's no point in trying to escape. There are more guards after you than there are trees in the forest."
"Not much fun to walk around with a price tag on your head, is it? How about you pay up?"
"Let's play a little game. I catch you and collect your bounty. Then you. Catch. Me."
"You look like someone I want to get to know better. A lot better. But I need to collect your bounty first."
"What a sorry affair! You're a victim of circumstances, but I still need you to pay your fine."
"I'm sure you hate hearing this over and over, but it's my job. Will you pay your bounty?"
"Hello. Excuse me? Over here. I'm supposed to collect a bounty from you, I think."
"I'm just doing my job. It's nothing personal. But you're on my list and I have to collect your fine."
"I don't want any trouble. Really, I don't! Pay your bounty and we can both forget this ever happened."
"The law demands you pay your bounty. Me? I'm going to ask nicely and hope you agree."
"I'm not usually attracted to criminals, but for you I'd make an exception. After you pay your bounty, of course."
"If you pay your bounty like a good criminal, I may let you see my collection of antique riding crops."
"If you wanted to meet me, you could have asked. Now I have to make this official."
"What an exhilarating chase! Now give me your bounty and maybe I'll let you catch me."
"Let's finish this ugly business then get a drink. You're buying. No? You're right, let's keep it professional."
"I can respect someone who wants to get caught. And I do love doing the catching. Now pay up, dear."
"I know what it's like––always on the run, the law hot on your tail. Pay up and this can be over."

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"Thank you! It was a pleasure."
"How sad. Your name has been cleared."
"It's just a matter of time. You will be back."
"I'm so glad that's done with."
"Maybe we could meet later. We could ... talk."
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"Go on. I don't want any trouble."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"And this was going so well!"
"You're smarter than this!"
"Stop criminal! Please stop!
"It's probably my fault."
"I knew this would happen!"
"Resist and this will go harder for you!"
"I'm within my rights to use force!"
"Why does this always happen to me?"
"You people never learn, do you?"
"I thought we had a good thing going!"
"So you want to play rough, do you?"

Male BretonEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"Hold criminal!"
"Stop right there!"
"You there!"
"For the love of Stendarr!"
"Stop miscreant!"
"Stand down at once!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"No need to get defensive! I don't want there to be blood, especially not mine."
"Stop, Criminal. Hand over that bounty, or ... or else!"
"I'm still new to this guard work, so please, go easy on me. Could you just do the right thing here?"
"Please. This doesn't have to get ugly. Just pay your bounty and we can both walk away."
"I don't like this any more than you do, but I–I have to do it. Can you just pay your bounty?"
"Um. You're a criminal, so I guess that means I have to stop you. Please just be nice about this."
"I-I don't want to inconvenience you, but ... I-I have to ask for your bounty."
"I'm not looking for a fight, but I–I have to ask you to pay your bounty."
"I'd love to just let you go, but that wouldn't be good for either of us. So pay your fine, all right?"
"Make restitution, say you're sorry, and this will all go away. I promise."
"You can go no further unless you settle the bounty for your crimes."
"If the hand offends us, I say cut it off! Or I accept gold in lieu of body parts."
"We don't tolerate lawbreakers here. Pay your bounty or be punished most painfully."
"You bounty will cover the next few rounds of drinks. We all appreciate your contribution."
"Your reign of evil ends here, malefactor! Pay your bounty or suffer the consequences!"
"No one can skirt the law forever, friend. Now why don't you pay up and we can call it a day?"
"There is nowhere you can run that I will not follow, rogue! Pay your bounty!"
"Let me state this plainly so that you clearly understand. Pay your bounty or there will be pain."
"You made a mistake. Things happen. Let me help you clear this up. Can you pay your fine?"
"Yes, your name's on my list. That's not the end of the world. I'll cross it off as soon as you pay me."
"Last time a criminal fled, I sent him to the dirt. I suggest you pay. Unless you like dirt."
"Let's not get excited. I don't want any trouble. Pay me your bounty and I'll be on my way."
"Your deplorable actions have a cost, and that cost is justice!"
"Punishing parasites like you is the reason I get up in the morning."
"If I were you I'd pay that bounty in a hurry. I'm not in a patient mood."
"The gaze of justice has fallen upon you, offender! Will you pay your bounty?"
"You've reached the crossroads of fate, my friend. Pay in gold or pay in blood."
"Just a minute. Your crimes are known here, and I would see your bounty collected."
"There's no talking yourself out of this one. You committed a crime and got caught."
"I hate people. When you commit a crime, I have to deal with people. See where this is going? Pay up."
"If it were up to me, I'd put you in a cell and throw away the key."
"Your kind makes me sick. Pay the bounty and then get where I can't see you."
"Your options are exhausted, outlaw! Your only chance is to fall on the mercy of the law and pay your fine."
"I don't have time for messing around. Pay the bounty."
"You want to break the law, you deal with me. Pay the bounty."
"You're stuck, criminal. Cornered. So pay the bounty and I'll let you move on."
"You're a good person. I can tell. Now prove it and pay your bounty."
"Illicit behavior shall not be tolerated! Pay your fine or face my fury!"
"Friend! Can I call you friend? You're in a bit of a pickle, but I can help you if you pay your fine."
"You've got a bounty to pay, but don't fret. Play your cards right and you'll be on your way before you know it."
"This is all just one big misunderstanding, am I right? Just pay the bounty and you're free to go."
"Look, we all make mistakes. Pay the fine and we can put this ugly business behind us."
"Don't give me a reason to chase you. Just pay your bounty and be on your way."
"Don't give me any trouble. If you pay your bounty, you'll walk free."
"I don't care why you did it. Pay your bounty and you're free to go."
"You need to pay your bounty. Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"Pay the bounty and you'll be on your way. Come, let's not make a scene."
"Hand over your bounty. If you reach for your weapons, I'll kill you where you stand."
"We know what you've done. Pay your bounty and we'll leave you be."
"We both know how this works. Try anything and I'll take the bounty out of your hide."
"Looks like you've got a bounty to pay off. But you can't put a price on a clean slate, am I right?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask for your payment. You seem nice, but business is business."
"I'm afraid I'm here to collect your bounty. If it helps, just think of this as a fresh start!"
"There's no need for violence. Simply pay the bounty and you're free to go. Easy, right?"
"I'm prepared to forget this whole thing if you pay your bounty. No harm done, right?"
"I hate to be a bother, but I'd appreciate it if you paid your bounty now."

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"Gods, that was easier than I thought."
"You see. Look how easy it was."
"Good choice. Now get out of here."
"Don't you feel better now?"
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"Mark my words, I will not let you go a second, um, time."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"Oh gods, I don't want to die!"
"Gall and pox! I hate this!
"Why did you go and do that?"
"The painful approach then!"
"Cease and desist!"
"You're forcing my hand!"
"You won't win this fight!"
"Escape is not an option!"
"You escape? The audacity!"
"Well, if you want to fight…"
"I'm going to make this hurt!"
"You're not going anywhere!"
"This could have been so easy!"
"Oh why did you have to do that?"
"That was your last mistake!"
"You shouldn't have done that!"
