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Online:Bartram Marolles

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Bartram Marolles
Home City Shornhelm
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Outlaw
Bartram Marolles

Bartram Marolles is a Breton outlaw who can be found in the upper section of Shornhelm after it has been retaken during Shornhelm Divided. While his fellow townsmen enjoy the celebrations, you'll find him cleaning up the place nearly due south of the entrance to Shornhelm Castle, on a lower terrace.

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He has unique ambient dialogue.

"At least we've got Montclair's men out of the city."
"Rivenspire's always been plagued by vampires. Always. Mark my words, they're behind all this Montclair business. I know they are!"