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Location Corgrad Wastes
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Arillas is a High Elf found beneath the Corgrad Wastes.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Wasting Away: Assist an estate's heir as he uncovers the truth about his family's past.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Make your way to the ruined hall. On the far side you'll see another camp; This time it is occupied with cavern dwellers. Arillas welcomes you and Faidur:

Faidur: "Look, people! Best approach with caution."
Arillas: "Please, approach. We know you are here."

Speaking to him:

"There we are. Much better, yes? Manners are easily forgotten when you're so far removed from society.
Forgive the others. They are frightened. We mean you no harm."
Who are you? What are you doing down here?
"Call me Arillas. I am caretaker of this place. We all are. We led our lives in quiet, contented seclusion until the crumbling stone exposed our home to the outside world again.
We are not accustomed to visitors."
How long have you been underground?
"How long? How long indeed. I think there was a time when such things were measured. I can only say that our duty has been passed down many generations."
Your duty?
"To the Saviors. It is because of their sacrifice that Corgrad lives on. We repay the lives they gave us by caring for the town in their stead. We're very protective of it, you understand.
Now, might I ask what's brought you to our home?"
People above have gone missing. Some found their way down here.
"I see. I see. Our humble town would be treacherous to those who have not grown accustomed to its many twists and turns. I would not follow after them lest you go missing yourself."
All the more reason for me to find them.
"You possess the Saviors' compassion, and determination.
The last people from above we observed followed a narrow passage to the north. May you be reunited with them soon."
Thank you.

Faidur will interrupt and say he will stay and speak to Arillas. You can speak to Arillas again however:

"This is the day we've waited for, for so long. The return of a living descendant. The Saviors will be pleased that their sacrifice was not for nothing."
What was the Saviors' sacrifice?
"They took the sickness from us. From our ancestors. At great cost to themselves. All of Corgrad would have perished if not for them."
Took the sickness? You mean they cured the Thrassian Plague?
"They preserved us from the sickness of the sea. For that we will be eternally grateful."
How do you survive down here?
"We follow the Saviors' guidance. It was their wisdom that brought us here and kept us safe for generations. Though buried, Corgrad lives.
It's all we've known beyond our stories of life before. It is not so bad as you imagine."
Where did you say the people from above went again?
"Through a narrow passage to the north.
Worry not for your companion while you search. We will care for him as we care for all that the Saviors entrusted to us."

As you carry on, Faidur and Arillas begin to speak:

Faidur: "These Saviors you mentioned. Did they happen to be members of the family?"
Arillas: "Oh, yes. The founders and protectors of this great realm. Does the surface still speak of their great sacrifice?"
Faidur: "Um, in a manner of speaking. I came here to learn more about this branch of my family."
Arillas: "It must be fate! Corgrad opened its doors so that you could enter. Oh, I have so much to show you."

<Arillas leads Faidur to the large statue nearby>

Arillas: "Here, here! This is Nemfarion, the eldest and wisest of the ancestors resting here. Yes, I can see the likeness."

As you make your escape, you'll hear Arillas with his threats:

Arillas: "Saviors! I've failed you! They've stolen our future, but I swear I'll rob them of theirs in kind!"
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Location Corgrad Wastes
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 146,590 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Brute

Catch up with them and Arillas will have turned hostile, attempting to prevent your escape.