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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in the Apocrypha zone, and were introduced in Update 40.

ON-icon-furnishing-Seeker Claw Quill.png Name Seeker Claw Quill Value 250
Verita Numida
Given the lack of birds and other feathered species in Apocrypha, the ancient scholars of Hermaeus Mora used seeker claws in place of traditional quills. Their sharp points, deadly while alive, would have made for excellent writing instruments.
Gabrielle Benele
Seeker claws would have also been ideal for another reason: their arcane resilience. Their claws would not have been corroded by watcher ink or other magical elements used in the writing of enchanted texts.
Ugron gro-Thumog
I do wonder how the claws were harvested. Seekers are fierce adversaries. Perhaps the ancient scholars gathered them from deceased corpses? Or maybe the claws were collected from live specimens as a punishment for sloppy research.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default
ON-icon-furnishing-Vial, Delicate.png Name Vial of Watcher Ink Value 1,000
Gabrielle Benele
A vial of ink produced by a watcher. A precious material, not lightly given to a mortal. Even Hermaeus Mora's most faithful followers. This small amount could have been carried as a sign of an arcanist's commitment.
Reginus Buca
That makes sense, Gabrielle, but everything in Apocrypha has some larger purpose. I posit that even in trace amounts, this watcher ink was used for writing important arcane texts.
Verita Numida
There's a more obvious explanation for this quantity of watcher ink. Given Mora's preference for contracts, this vial was used by lesser watchers to sign mortals into their service. After all, how much ink does one need to sign their name?
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-armor-Robe-Scribes of Mora.png Name Antique Cipher Vestments Value 5,000
This is a rare find! I've never seen vestments quite like these before. My guess is this ancient stole was worn by Hermaeus Mora's faithful servants. Every detail has been accounted for. Typical of ciphers. Hidden pockets for quills, vials of ink, and even sheaves of paper. The material is dark, likely to hide ink stains from fevered writing and research. I can faintly see where there were once embroidered tentacles on the cloth, representing commitment to Mora's service.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Name Archival Fortune Pouch Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
This unique cachet of currency from the Infinite Archive is curious in the extreme. The preoccupation of Daedra with these eyeball-focused signets is worth extensive study.
Type Container
Difficulty Intermediate
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-quest-Empty Bag.png Name Archival Fortune Pouch, Grand Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
A large purse of soul-forged currency. Traded by the Daedra and scholars of the Infinite Archive. Magickal analysis clearly indicates the presence of soul gems in the stamping of these signets, and I can only guess at where this font of mystic power originates.
Type Container
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-container-Wax-Sealed Heavy Sack.png Name Archival Fortune Pouch, Lucky Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
A substantial satchel of the currency traded by the hierophant of the Infinite Archive. My investigation implies a direct causal link between understanding of the aetheric index at the heart of the Archive and obtaining these iconic signets. Perhaps the reason for their value within the enclosed space that is that realm.
Type Container
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Archival Light Diffuser.png Name Archival Light Diffuser, Large Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Ah, an arcane light source. This would have been perfect for reading in the strange atmosphere of Apocrypha and lighting up dark archives. I can't determine why it would need so many different colors, though.
Verita Numida
Ancient followers of Hermaeus Mora may have tied their emotions to the shifting colors. Perhaps it was actually a locus for meditation, reflecting their mood or mindset externally.
Reginus Buca
Hmm, I'm not sure that's correct, Verita. Mora's followers were more concerned with research than meditation. In fact, I believe the colored light was likely used to decode hidden messages and reveal secrets written in special ink.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Scrying Brazier, Short.png Name Scrying Brazier, Short Value N/A
I've yet to deduce the meaning behind the symbols rising from this arcane fire.
Verita Numida
Strange symbols rising from a fire, Apocryphal tentacles. Have you tried asking an Arcanist?
The tentacles seem to be docile so it didn't really cross my mind to involve an outside collaborator. I've found endless knowledge inside books but Arcanists unnerve me.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Petrified Watcher.png Name Petrified Watcher Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Who knew Mora could be so cruel to his own eyes that serve him.
Hard to say for sure that Mora had a hand in this. Perhaps some natural process created this situation? After all, they're so cute.
Gabrielle Benele
My analysis leads me to believe a mage attempted to wrest control of this Watcher from Mora, violently. Perhaps it holds secrets the Knower wished to keep.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Archival Light Diffuser.png Name Archival Light Diffuser, Small Value N/A
Entry 1: On one of my personal travels, I happened to discover a small light of sorts. It seems to pulsate whenever I hover it over my books, specifically that detail Apocrypha.
Entry 2: After consulting Ugron and dismissing his word of caution for the sake of an Antiquarian's pursuit of knowledge, I decided to apply pressure to one of its surfaces and discovered it diffuses colored light!
Entry 3: I awoke in the middle of the night with a surge of inspiration. Some research later, the light now shines across formerly blank tomes and pages, revealing words and symbols my eyes have never seen. Discovery!
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Forged Black Book.png Name Forged Black Book Value N/A
Reginus Buca
A facsimile, clearly. But so well made it's clear the forger had access to an original during the creation process. Why would anyone make such a thing? And how? And why?
Ugron gro-Thumog
I've seen stranger in some of the dark places beneath Tamriel. My guess? Someone had a lot of time on their hands.
Verita Numida
Profit, would be my guess. Someone must have realized too late they were tricked by this beautiful creation and thrown it away.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Scrying Brazier, Tall.png Name Scrying Brazier, Tall Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
A product only of Apocrypha, clearly. But perhaps it serves some other function? The tentacles are deeply unnerving.
I don't believe they're cause for alarm. I have only minor facility with magic, but perhaps the tentacles are ritualistic in some way?
Reginus Buca
That's all well and good, but the cold fire of the brazier seems more practical than mystical. A cold fire will burn paper, after all, and is more than bright enough to read by.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Watchful Light.png Name Watchful Light Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Is this alive? Does this hold a mind and will of its own? Or is it merely an extension of the Inevitable Knower?
Verita Numida
A mind doesn't mean free will, Reginus. The movement seems controlled, like it's observing us as we're observing it.
Well said. But well. It's also a light. With how murky Apocrypha can get, all the time, maybe they just wanted some light?
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Advanced
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage.png Name Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Clearly the fossilized remains of a large creature that once lived in ancient Apocrypha. The elongated spine denotes a serpentine biology. The creature likely moved without the use of legs.
Reginus Buca
While it is probable this creature didn't have legs as we know them, Ugron, the curvature of the ribs suggests an unusual anatomy. Perhaps this was one of the many levitating creatures of Apocrypha?
You're both missing a key idea: tentacles. What if these aren't ribs, but rather the hardened remains of tentacles? They could have been used to scoop prey into an oddly situated mouth at the center of the body. Apocrypha has no shortage of wonders.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Intermediate
‎‎Lead (?)
ON-icon-furnishing-Apocrypha Fossil, Slug.png Name Apocrypha Fossil, Slug Value N/A
Verita Numida
Ugh, how did I get stuck with this one? Obviously this was a slug of enormous size. It probably ate anything it came across and left a disgusting slime trail behind it. Need I say more?
Ugron gro-Thumog
Verita offers a correct, if shallow analysis. The lack of teeth in this fossil means the slug had to break down its food some other way. If its biology is anything like the creatures of Tamriel, it may have used a digestive acid to consume its food.
You're both right, of course. But the bone in the skull area is porous, suggesting a large nasal cavity. What other use would a slug have for such a sense unless it was a hunter that tracked its prey by smell?
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Intermediate
‎‎Lead (?)
ON-icon-furnishing-Apocrypha Fossil, Wall Beast.png Name Apocrypha Fossil, Wall Beast Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
What a bizarre find! At one point this looks like it was part of an ancient ruin, an arcane sanctum. Mora's ancient ciphers likely used it as an entrance to a safehouse for knowledge and research, perhaps before the establishment of Cipher's Midden.
I'd like to point out that what appears to be preserved vines are actually fossilized tentacles. Apocrypha's ecology has very little true plant life, as most of the organisms have been infused with vast quantities of arcane energy over time.
Reginus Buca
Amalien's point raises a question: were the tentacles beneficial to the safehouse in some way? They could have been used as a trap to stop intruders and prying eyes from stealing Mora's secrets. Do ciphers still use similar security measures today?
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Intermediate
‎‎Lead (?)
ON-icon-furnishing-Apocrypha Fossil, Tree.png Name Apocrypha Fossil, Tree Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Fascinating, this looks to be a rare instance of recognizable plant matter from Apocrypha. It is a very strange tree. It must have been grown early in the history of Apocrypha, before the ecology became so saturated with arcane energy.
Gabrielle, this is in fact a kind of biological node. Note the tentacular formations around the so-called trunk and the bulbous growth at the top. It could be the sensory organ of a yet-undiscovered species!
Reginus Buca
I hate to add to the conflict, but it's not purely ecological or biological. This organism is a melding of a plant from Tamriel with the arcane forces of Apocrypha. It was nurtured in volatile arcane soil and became something else altogether.
Type Furnishing
Difficulty Intermediate
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-fragment-Sclerotic Tentacle.png Name Structural Tentacle Arch Value N/A
The craftsmanship is exquisite. Almost has me believing that these tentacles actually move.
Verita Numida
Best temper your sight and self, Amalien, for it might blind what's truly here. What we can learn about Apocryphal design.
Mortal make, it seems. But guided by a Daedric hand.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Apocryphal Clothier Station)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Thread.png Name Fated Loom Threads Value N/A
Reginus Buca
While my knowledge in fabrics leaves much to be desired, I examined each strand of fabric and discovered something curious. Any guesses?
Gabrielle Benele
Another one of your games, Reginus? A skim through my fingers tells me it's definitely not magicka, and yet the feeling is somehow familiar.
The fabric itself may be resonant with Daedric energy, but each thread is laced with a fated strand of Apocrypha itself. Perhaps weaving it into something puts the wearer in fate's favor? Mora, always mysterious!
Type Furnishing Fragment (Apocryphal Clothier Station)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-fragment-Runic Legs.png Name Writhing Tendril Harness Value N/A
Verita Numida
These tentacles seem to be working together for a stronger grip, forming a tendril of sorts … but to carve and bend materials in such a manner.
The finishing and texture don't match the other Apocryphic relics we've found at all. Either that, or someone never bothered to finish with a polish.
Ugron gro-Thumog
As history has taught us countless times: a weapon or tool is hailed for its use rather than its appearance. And yet, what an appearance this has.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Apocryphal Clothier Station)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Deadlands Grate, Large.png Name Carved Mora Treadles Value N/A
Verita Numida
Mora's markings are of course instantly recognizable, but these pedals at the base stick out like a sorcerer's staff.
Ugron gro-Thumog
The One Who Knows holds secrets and truths of Tamriel's history, perhaps even Nirn, that are beyond our understanding. Certainly, beyond mine.
They're treadles, Ugron. I loved using these on my loom back in Summerset. High Elf children can tend to be cruel just as they are cunning, and having a hobby helped channel my frustrations.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Apocryphal Clothier Station)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Dwarven Liminal Diffusion.png Name Endless Apocryphal Light Value N/A
Gabrielle Bene
Apocrypha's everlasting green illumination is one phenomenon I've always debated: magicka, or soul energy?
Perhaps the beads of light hold malachite to absorb magicka? Elven armor is embroidered with it in Summerset.
I've traded with Malachite and could recognize its glow with my eyes closed - this is brighter and more absorbing. It seems to power something for infinite use, and neither magicka is hardly endless.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Apocryphal Clothier Station)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-furnishing-Statue, Bronze Tentacle.png Name Apocrypha Tentacle Carving Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Interesting. The stone carving appears to depict the tentacles of Hermaeus Mora or his watchers. This motif is often seen in artifacts from Apocrypha. Upon closer inspection, it looks to be a fragment of a larger piece.
Ugron gro-Thumog
The additional context helps here. This may have been an ancient grave marker for Mora's faithful, given the permanence of the stone carving and the tentacular design. More research is needed on the burial customs of Apocrypha.
Reginus Buca
As much as I hate to disagree with Ugron, he sees graves everywhere. No, likely this carving had a different purpose - you'll note there's no epitaph. For a culture so concerned with hoarding knowledge and writing, this would be a major oversight.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Vision of Mora)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-quest-Requilary Stone 04.png Name Apocrypha Stone Base Value N/A
Reginus Buca
The residual arcane energy trapped within this stone clearly marks it as Apocryphal in origin. It is an ornate carving, perhaps it was used as an altar or ritual site by ancient denizens of Apocrypha?
Gabrielle Benele
Reginus is right, there's still a strong arcane energy emanating from within. I believe this fragment may have been used as a grounding anchor for spellwork, or perhaps as a way to mark confluences of energy within Apocrypha.
Verita Numida
You're not seeing the whole picture. This base contains conduits for the flow of energy, yes, but this is not the entirety of its purpose. It must be part of a larger mechanism, perhaps enabling an arcane energy transfer.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Vision of Mora)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-style material-Glass Eye of Mora.png Name Hermaeus Mora Eye Engraving Value N/A
What a stunning engraving! The iconic hourglass pupil of Hermaeus Mora is clearly visible in the stone eye at the center. Mora's image never appears idly, this artifact would have had an important purpose to his followers.
I'm no expert on arcane research, I'll leave that to Gabrielle, but it seems the use of Mora's eye here denotes a connection between the Prince himself and the user. Perhaps something to do with understanding the Prince's vision for the world?
Gabrielle Benele
Amalien's last note got me thinking. I exposed the engraving to arcane energy, which caused the stone itself to glow green! When placed in context with the whole, this item must have conferred some of Mora's powers on his ancient scholars.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Vision of Mora)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-fragment-Infinite Book Cover.png Name Infinite Tome Cover Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Ah, it appears someone treated this book very poorly in the past. This looks to be the torn cover of a book of arcane knowledge. It's a historian's worst nightmare, actually. What I wouldn't give to have the rest of the text!
Reginus Buca
I've tried to decipher the title of this book, but it's written in a script that defies analysis. Since Hermaeus Mora's ancient followers could hail from anywhere in Tamriel, I'm not optimistic about about my prospects.
Verita Numida
Valiant effort, Reginus. But you have left out one key piece: Apocrypha is a realm of secret and forbidden knowledge. This text is probably written in an ancient code, which is why the title is impossible to decipher.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Infinite Tome)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-stolen-Oghma Infinium Page.png Name Infinite Table of Contents Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
The course of history can often be traced to the contents of one single page. In typical Apocrypha style, the contents of this page seem to be encoded, but from the format of the information, it looks to be an index or reference of some sort.
Gabrielle Benele
I agree with Ugron, this page looks like an attempt to organize important information. Moreover, the paper itself is resistant to arcane tampering. I got very little out of it when I tried to examine its magical qualities.
Gabrielle Benele
I'm not sure why I didn't see this before. It's a table of contents! Granted, the page numbers and sections keep shifting. I'm not sure if it's part of the arcane cipher, or because the information is literally moving around in the pages.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Infinite Tome)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-stolen-Manual.png Name Infinite Tome Manuscript Value N/A
This manuscript looks so naked without a cover! I'm surprised it's fared this well over the years without added protection. Though, I suppose, the watcher ink text would be resilient to the elemental forces of Apocrypha.
The loss of the cover also appears to have saved this text from the tomeshells. Without a hard cover, the bare manuscript wouldn't have been much use as a home for them!
Verita Numida
Amalien makes good points, though it is also crucial to note that watcher ink was a rare resource in ancient Apocrypha. It is difficult to obtain and therefore only used sparingly. This text undoubtedly contains precious secrets.
Type Furnishing Fragment (Infinite Tome)
Difficulty Master
  • Muniment Chests in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-fragment-Ancestor Silk Ribbon.png Name Ancestor Silk Ribbon Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
A wide silk ribbon, such as you might use for a medal. There is a faint pattern woven into the silk, showing birds in flight. It seems to be ancestor silk, but I haven't seen its like.
Reginus Buca
That's because this ribbon is an extraordinarily well preserved example of ancient silk. With the proper baths and treatments, ancestor silk can last centuries. I don't recognize the pattern, though.
Verita Numida
It's older than you think. In fact, this is not Nibenese silk at all. The bird pattern is Ayleid, from the early First Era. Everyone knows the Heartland Elves were the first to weave ancestor silk.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Torc of the Last Ayleid King)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Infinite Archive chests
ON-icon-fragment-Palladium Talon.png Name Palladium Talon Value N/A
Interesting. This appears to be the hook or ring that secured an amulet to its chain. As you can see, it's shaped like an eagle's talon. Altmeri, I think. But I don't recognize the metal.
Ugron gro-Thurmog
It's palladium. A rare ore much-loved by Ayleid jewelers for its luster and durability. The ancient High Elves weren't the only ones who admired birds.
Oh! Of course. I should have put two and two together. Yes, the Ayleids often used feather and talon motifs in their work. I'd love to see the rest of this medallion; it must have been impressive.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Torc of the Last Ayleid King)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Infinite Archive chests, Gw the Pilferer
ON-icon-fragment-Meteoric Iron Triquetra.png Name Meteoric Iron Triquetra Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thurmog
Good metal, this. The Ayleids were masters of meteoric iron and crafted many fine blades from it. But I do not think this was part of a weapon. What is the significance of these interlocking rings?
Reginus Buca
The three-ring loop is a triquetra. It symbolizes land, sea, and sky. This one appears to be an amulet or medallion of great age, although it's missing the central stone.
Verita Numida
I've seen this triquetra before, in the ruins of Nenalata. It was the emblem of the royal house. This medallion might have been looted from a king's tomb when the Alessian Order razed the city.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Torc of the Last Ayleid King)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Infinite Archive chests
ON-icon-fragment-Feathered Palladium Cradle.png Name Feathered Palladium Cradle Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thurmog
Here we see an example of Ayleid jewelcraft at its best. This is the mounting for a large stone, unfortunately missing. If meteoric iron was the servant of the Ayleids, palladium was their delight.
Reginus Buca
Note how the prongs intended to secure the missing stone are cleverly disguised as delicate wings. I imagine this was part of a pendant or amulet, but we have neither the base nor the jewel.
Verita Numida
Ah. The so-called "feathered jewels" were associated with House Dynar, the royal line of long-lost Nenalata. I always wondered what exactly the ancient scribes meant by that turn of phrase.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Torc of the Last Ayleid King)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Infinite Archive chests
ON-icon-misc-Welkynd Stone.png Name Welkynd Jewel Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Judging by its size and cut, this jewel was the center of a large piece such as a medallion or a crown. Its innate magicka gives it that striking color. Could it be an Ayleid welkynd crystal?
A welkynd stone? How exciting! It's said that each welkynd came from a star that fell from the sky. Imagine that--a piece of Aetherius in your hand! The Ayleids greatly prized them.
Gabrielle Benele
Aetherial gems were potent tools in the hands of a mage. This one likely belonged to an Ayleid sorcerer-king. I recall an ancient text that described the "blue gem" of a king of Nenalata. Could this be one such gem?
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Torc of the Last Ayleid King)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Infinite Archive chests