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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Keeping Watch

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Stand night watch at the Assassin Castle in order to catch a thief.
Quest Giver: Typhola, in the Assassin Castle
Location(s): None
Prerequisite Quest: Business is Business
Next Quest: Ruins Beyond the Dunes
Reward: 300 gold
ID: ODDAss05Wache


Typhola wants you to stand night watch at the supply camp. This is an easy duty - you have be there at midnight, and must remain at your post until 3am, for three consecutive nights. On the first night, you'll see someone leaving the Great Hall; when you talk to Typhola about it the next day, she'll tell you something was stolen. Alberto can give you some info, if you didn't screw him over during Business is Business; otherwise, you'll have to bribe Tulek with some water or beer. Either one them will tell you that someone's been smuggling goods over the wall with the crane, so you should stake out the area at night to watch.

On the next night, you can catch sight of the thief, but (s)he will use an invisibility spell to get away. Lucky for you, (s)he left behind a sealed letter addressed to Clemente. You can either tell Typhola the thief got away (and keep the letter), or hand the letter over. If you keep it, you won't get anything (but it'll come in handy later); if you hand it over, she'll give you 300 gold.

Journal EntriesEdit

Keeping Watch (ODDAss05Wache)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I should go see Typhola. She may have a new task for me.
20 Typhola has tapped me to stand watch at the supply camp tonight. I have to be there at midnight and must leave not my post under any circumstances until three o'clock at the latest, otherwise my task will have failed.
30 I am at my post; as soon as it's midnight, I should not go out until three o'clock. I have to keep my eyes open. The night holds many things that only a close eye recognizes.
40 I have watched as a hooded man stealthily left the Great Hall. I should talk to Typhola about it in the morning.
50 Typhola said that an item has been stolen from the Great Hall. She didn't tell me what is missing exactly, but I will find it again. Undamaged. I should ask a few of the Assassins.
60 Alberto doesn't want to tell me anything. He is probably still mad that I didn't make gold from the slaves. Maybe someone else knows something?
60 Alberto advised me to stop by the crane at night.
70 Tulek gave me the hint that occasionally dubious goods leave the castle via the crane. I'll be sure to have little success there during the day; I should try it at night.
80 The thief spoke an invisibility spell and disappeared. In the crate on the crane, he left a letter addressed to Clemente and closed with a seal.
100 Finishes quest  Typhola took the letter from me and gave me a few gold coins. She didn't give me an explanation for the whole thing, or tell me what kind of letter it was.
110 Finishes quest  Since I opened the letter and destroyed the seal, Typhola banished me from the Order of Assassins.
120 Finishes quest  I told Typhola that I saw the thief, but couldn't be sure about the stolen goods. This letter is now in my hands, and I can do what I want. Maybe it will be useful later - you never know.
200 I'm late to my guard duty. Typhola will not like this.
210 I've left my guard post during my watch. Typhola will not like this at all.
240 I have gone too far from the crane. When I was gone, the thief hid the article. Now I'll never find him.
250 I was discovered when I shadowed the crane. The object is lost. Typhola will be very upset.
255 Finishes quest  Typhola threw me out of the Order.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  •   It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage ODDAss05Wache stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.