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Oblivion:Silana Blandia

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Quests: written by Kalis Agea -- N/A (CS), checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789N/A (In-Game), checked by Forfeit (CS and in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by Jplatinum16 (in-game), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)

House Contents: written by GK (lives at The Great Chapel of Zenithar), checked by Forfeit (in-game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Rumors: written by Kalis Agea -- N/A (CS), checked by SerCenKing (CS

Faction: written by Kalis Agea -- already written (CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine (CS)

Spells: written by Kalis Agea (CS), checked by KickbackYak (CS)
Silana Blandia
(RefID: 000359CD)
Home City Leyawiin
House The Great Chapel of Zenithar
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 17 Class Healer
RefID 000359CD BaseID 00034E6B
Other Information
Health 98 Magicka 155
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Leyawiin; Nine Divines 0(Layman)
Silana Blandia in the Great Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin

Silana Blandia is an Imperial healer at the Great Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin. She may die during the Auroran attack on the Chapel during The Path of the Righteous quest. As with any priest or healer, she will also point you towards Raminus Polus when you are seeking a Cure for Vampirism.

She lives a rather uneventful life, sleeping from midnight to 6am and heading to the Chapel's main hall at 8am to pray in front of the main altar for two hours, before receiving a single blessing from the altar of Stendarr at 10am. At all other times she will be found randomly wandering around either the main chapel, the undercroft or the chapel hall, though she will only visit the former two areas once per day at most.

Silana wears a middle-class outfit consisting of a burgundy linen shirt, tan linens, and a pair of thick cowhide shoes. She also carries a small amount of gold. She can cast a random-leveled major Restoration spell as well as the standard leveled healer spells (always strongest for her skill level).

Related QuestsEdit


Speaking to Silana for the first time will have her greet you by saying:

"Silana Blandia, Healer of the Leyawiin Chapel. Bless the Nine, and all the faithful."
"May you find healing here for your wounds, and for your troubled spirit. There's a peace here in the Chapel for all who seek it."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Path of the RighteousEdit

Speaking to Silana after starting the related quest will have her mistake you for a common treasure hunter, though despite her annoyed stature she will still direct you to the shrine:

"Hrpmh. So, you're the one that's come for the mace, are you? Another adventurer looking for treasure. Get on with it if you must. The shrine is downstairs. But I wouldn't expect much if I were you. No one has ever succeeded."

She can also provide you with generic information about the Mace of Zenithar and Zenithar himself.

Once you retrieve the Mace, she will stop whatever she is doing and relocate to the chapel's main hall, where she will proceed to fight off the attacking Aurorans. If she survives, she will apologize for her previous rudeness:

"I can't believe it! You have the mace! And you stopped those horrible daedra! I was... I was wrong to doubt you. I ask your forgiveness."


  • Both Kantav Cheynoslin and Silana will follow you around to keep you in line-of-sight as shopkeepers do because of an incorrect flag set on their AI packages.
  • She was meant to eat from 12pm to 2pm and from 8pm to 10pm, but her eat packages are set for the Chapel's main hall, where there is no food. As a result, she will never eat.
  • During the Knights of the Nine quest The Path of the Righteous (to retrieve the Mace of Zenithar), if you ask Silana for information, she says that a messenger took the mace to the settlement of "Bravil" even though the subtitle reads "Leyawiin". The other NPCs do not have this recording mistake.