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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
Quests: written by Wolok gro-Barok (in-game), checked by UnknownG (CS)

Schedule: written by Krusty (in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game)

Personal Inventory: written by Wolok gro-Barok (in-game), checked by Eshe (CS)

House Contents: written by GK (lives at Roxey Inn), checked by Forfeit (in-game)

Unique Dialogue: written by UnknownG (CS)

Rumors: written by UnknownG (CS - none)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
(RefID: 0002C8D3)
Location Roxey Inn
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level PC+0 Class Bandit Archer
RefID 0002C8D3 BaseID 0002AF3E
Other Information
Health 35 + (5+1)x(PC-1), PC=5-43
Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC-1) (max=250)
Responsibility 10 Aggression 15
Follower Nothing You Can Possess
Faction(s) Renrijra Krin; Claude Maric's Thugs
S'razirr outside Malada

S'razirr is a Khajiit bandit archer and mercenary who can usually be found at the Roxey Inn, north of the Imperial City. He can always be found in the company of Brucetus Festinius and Rigmor. All three are hired thugs for Claude Maric, although he can be disloyal at times...

At the inn, he lives a cozy life: he eats for two hours at 8am, 12pm and 6pm, and spends the rest of his time wandering around the inn, talking with his colleagues and the other guests. He sleeps between 10pm and 6am. After 6pm, he sometimes gets sneaky and tries to pickpocket a random person at the inn, but since the place is so crowded, he is usually caught.

When the related quest is initiated, he and the other two thugs travel to the Ayleid ruin of Malada, where they set up a camp directly west of the ruin's entrance. When not sleeping in the camp between 10pm and 6am, he is guarding the entrance from a southwestern cliff. If you approach him at the camp, you can make a deal with him: He will fight the other thugs instead of you in exchange for a share of your quest reward. As soon as you leave the ruin, he is ordered to attack you. However, if you previously made a deal with him, he'll help you kill the others. If he survives the quest he will make his way back to the Roxey Inn by using an unmarked road leading west past Mackamentain, going northwards along the Yellow Road and by turning right on the Red Ring Road. He switches to his regular schedule when he gets there.

After you have gotten your reward, and if you signed a deal with him, he'll make his way to the Tiber Septim Hotel by going westwards along the Red Ring Road and crossing the bridge to the Talos Plaza District. He will wait there until you arrive with the money. If you pay him, he will return to Roxey Inn following the same route. These schedules will only be interrupted by his eating and sleeping times. He will search actively for food or a bed at these times, which might get him into trouble. If no food or beds are present near him, he will stand still until his next action begins. Upon arriving at the Roxey Inn, he will resume his normal schedule once again.

If you decide not to pay him, however, he'll follow you anywhere until you leave the city, at which point he'll attack you.

He is always clad in a complete set of leveled light armor, except for the shield and the gauntlets (all of the best possible quality for his level). When it's time for him to sleep, he will change into a huntsman leather pants and a huntsman vest, but he will keep his boots on.

In combat, he relies on a leveled bow and leveled arrows, which are always of the best possible quality for his level. The average and maximum number of arrows he may carry changes depending upon your level. When things get tight, he switches to a leveled shortsword or dagger, which may be enchanted (25% chance at lvl 3-5, 40% at lvl 6-8, 50% from lvl 9).

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Nothing You Can PossessEdit

When you meet S'razirr at the campsite near Malada, he may ponder:

"You're probably wondering what this one is doing in this gods-forsaken wilderness. Same here. S'razirr doesn't get paid nearly enough for this."

You also ask him about his boss:

Claude Maric
"You are cautious and perceptive. Good traits to have in this business. Yes, you guess correctly. This one is working for Maric. He never tells us anything, though. Just between the two of us, this one thinks Maric is cheating him. In fact, this one is sure of it. Listen. S'razirr has an idea of how we can both come out of this ahead."
Go ahead. I'm listening.
"We wait and see how this plays out. If and when there's an opportunity, S'razirr will help you against Maric. If we succeed in recovering the treasure, you give this one half of what you're getting paid."
Fine. It's a deal.
"You won't regret it. This one will keep his eyes open, and wait for an opportunity to help you. Don't screw this one, though. After the dust settles, look for S'razirr in the Tiber Septim Inn in the Imperial City. Full payment is expected."
I'll give you twenty percent, but no more.
"But this one is taking all of the risk! What do you have to lose? One fourth, that's S'razirr's final offer."
No, I don't need your help.
"Suit yourself. Maric may be cheating S'razirr, but at least this one knows what to expect."

If you made the deal and ask about Maric again:

"Don't worry, this one will back you up when the time comes."

However, if you didn't make a deal and ask about Claude again, S'razirr will still offer you the same deal:

"The original offer is still on the table: this one helps you against Maric in return for half your take. What do you say?"

You will then get the same options as above. After you trekked through Malada and exited the ruin with the carving, Claude and his thugs will be waiting for you. If you didn't make a deal with S'razirr, he will be hostile to you, and he can possibly meet his demise here. However, if you did make a deal, then he will aid you in fighting off Claude, Rigmor, and Brucetus.

If you handed the carving over to Claude, then all the thugs will comment about it, S'razirr being no different:

"A wise choice, perhaps, but you earned no respect for your cowardice."

However, if the deal was made and he survived the encounter with the others, then you won't hear from him again until your planned rendezvous at the Tiber Septim.

After getting paid by Umbacano, S'razirr will be seated in the tavern, waiting for you. When you show up, he'll say:

"So, you remember S'razirr after all. This one was as good as his word. Are you?"
Here's your payment, as we agreed.
"You are honorable. Unlike that renrij Maric, may the moons never shine upon his path. This one will not forget."
I've decided not to pay you after all.
"You are no better than that renrij Maric. S'razirr should have known better than to trust you. Get out of this one's sight."
Sorry, I don't have the money right now.
"That is not the right answer. S'razirr knows you have been paid by Umbacano. Oh yes, this one has listened much since we met at Malada. S'razirr will not be cheated again. The question is asked again: will you pay what was promised?"

You could then either give one of the above responses, or you could double down on not having the money:

Really, I don't have the money right now.

This would net you the same response as telling him you won't pay him.

As long as you didn't pay S'razirr and didn't explicitly tell him that you won't, each of his subsequent greetings becomes more impatient:

"You owe S'razirr. Will you pay?"
"This one still waits for what he earned. Do you have a better answer than last time we spoke?"

If you paid S'razirr his share, he would return to the Roxey Inn to live in peace. But if you screwed him out of his pay, then he will follow you out of the city and once outside the walls, he will attack you.


  • S'razirr is a member of the Renrijra Krin faction.
  • His fellow thug Rigmor carries a note from Claude Maric that provides some insight on their activities during the quest, as well as S'razirr's overall morale.
  • Since the Roxey Inn is so crowded, he can't be sure to get a bed. If that's the case, he's forced to wander around all night.


  • S'razirr's dialogue option "Don't worry, this one will back you up when the time comes." doesn't have a voice line linked to it, making him stare in silence before returning to the dialogue menu.
  • If you accept S'razirr's help during the related quest but then decide to turn the carving over to Claude Maric, S'razirr, upon completion of this quest, will be stuck in The Tiber Septim Hotel for the rest of the game. He's waiting for his reward, but because of the way the quest has unfolded, he doesn't have the dialogue option to let you give it to him.
  • S'razzir will stil become hostile to you if you pay him after initially refusing to do so.
  • You can still to enter into an agreement with S'razirr even after Maric has already demanded the carving from you.
  • S'razirr will still demand that you pay him even if he didn't actually hold to his side of the bargain (for example, if you gave the carving to Maric).
  • If you agreed to a deal, but S'razirr dies during the confrontation outisde Malada, then your journal would still mention needing to pay him.
  • If Claude Maric survives the Secrets of the Ayleids quest, he will return to the Roxey Inn as well. When you enter the inn he will attack S'razirr.
  • If a deal was made, then Claude Maric shouldn't try fighting S'razirr instead of fleeing.
  • The amount of money he carries at higher levels may amount to thousands of gold. ?