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Oblivion:Batul gra-Sharob

< Oblivion: People / Merchants / Blacksmiths
Batul gra-Sharob
(RefID: 0002ECB4)
Home City Kvatch
Store Outside her tent
Race Orc Gender Female
Level 7 Class Smith
RefID 0002ECB4 BaseID 0002D6FB
Available 24 hrs/day every day
Other Repairs Repairs
Gold 200 Mercantile Master (100)
Sells Weapons, Misc. (Hammers)
Other Information
Health 104 Magicka 110
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Kvatch citizens
Batul gra-Sharob

Batul gra-Sharob is an Orc smith and one of the few survivors living in the refugee camp outside Kvatch.

During her hasty escape, she managed to save some of her equipment and has set up a small smithy near her tent in the camp. She sells a limited number of lower quality weapons and offers repair services. Judging from her mastery in Mercantile, she was a major weaponry merchant in the now destroyed town, but it also means she pushes very hard bargains. Like the other survivors she spends all her time strolling around the camp in a state of disbelief, without ever eating. At 1am she crawls into her tent for five hours of restless sleep. She offers her repair services 24 hours a day but will only barter with you while she is awake.

She wears a set of average, middle-class clothing including a pair of light brown linens, a quilted doublet, and a pair of thick cowhide shoes. She only carries a small amount of gold. Inside her tent is a locked chest full of clutter.


Upon meeting her, she will angrily remark:

"I don't have much. I lost everything."
"I don't like to talk about it. I don't remember much. I woke to screaming and fire. I ran. I was lucky. I survived. My friends weren't so lucky."

Once you've closed the Kvatch Oblivion gate she will be relieved:

"You closed the gate. That's the first good news in a long time."