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Morrowind Rebirth:Sorkvild's Journal, Volume II

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Sorkvild's Journal, Volume II
Added by Morrowind Rebirth
ID MR_Book_Sorkvild's_Journal_02
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Sorkvild's Journal, Volume II
by Sorkvild
The second volume of Sorkvild's Journal

Volume II: Journal of Sorkvild the Raven

I am becoming extremely distraught in the fact I can not find any reason why Marelle is continuing to display her own thought patterns and even refusing some of my commands. If this carries on I will have no option but to destroy my own creation, although it would leave me with a heavy heart.


She....kissed me. I had no control over my mind as she held me and pulled me against her cold, decayed shell of a body and pressed her hard blue lips against mine. I could taste the flavour of death on her lips but was powerless to push her away. I must end this now before I become the servant of Marelle!


Her power over me is too great and my feelings are mixed and confused. I have decided not to terminate her "life" but instead to take her to one of the islands north of here and maroon her there for eternity, but I must first retrieve the helm from her possession.


I told Marelle of her inner beauty and demanded that she gave me the helm so all could see she was indeed a princess of the night. To my astonishment she did as I asked and gave it to me without a thought. I have told her we must travel north where we can be together and she seems to agree, I hope her spirit has its own heart or I shall be doomed.


We haven taken passage on a small ship from Dagon Fel. Marelle is cloaked again to hide her body and head but now her walk is that of a woman and not a summoned creature of a necromancer. Something went wrong, very wrong indeed. May be the Guar I sacrificed was not good enough? Next time I shall use a person to ensure I have pleased the Worm King.


Only one days travel from Dagon Fel I have found a suitable island. It is uninhabited and harsh which makes it perfect for my plans, only a fool would come here in the future and no telling what Marelle would do to them on that day.


I have paid the ship master handsomely to await my return and he has agreed. I will take Marelle deep into the island then cast a recall to return to the beach and quickly leave the way we came.


I can not control the hurt I feel leaving her there. The tears roll down my cheeks as I write this but it was the only thing I could do other than have her slain. It will be sometime before I pursue another subject for my work that is for sure.