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Morrowind:Ten Pace Boots

< Morrowind: Items: Artifacts
Ten Pace Boots
Artifact: Ten Pace Boots (tenpaceboots)
(lore page)
Type Boots
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 800
Weight Weight 60 (Heavy) Value Value 140,000
Cast When Used
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 20 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 20 pts for 2 mins on Self
Drain Fatigue Drain Fatigue 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Slowfall Slowfall 1 pt for 2 mins on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 1,590/318 = 5
Ten Pace Boots

Not much is known about the origin of the Ten Pace Boots. They're made of heavy leather and provide superior travel when jumping.

The boots are found in a locked chest in the Inner Shrine section of Bal Fell (on an island far east of Vivec), in front of the statue to Sheogorath.



  • There is a bug with mesh for these boots, which makes your feet disappear while wearing them.
    • This bug is still present in the Game of the Year version.