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Morrowind:Mevure Hlen

< Morrowind: People / Merchants
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Mevure Hlen (mevure hlen)
Home City Vivec
Store St. Olms Tailors and Dyers Hall
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 7 Class Clothier
Gold 400 Mercantile Master (80)
Other Information
Health 63 Magicka 120
Alarm 30 Fight 30
Mevure Hlen

Mevure Hlen is a Dark Elf clothier who can be found in the Tailors and Dyers Hall in Vivec's St. Olms Canton waistworks. She is currently experiencing a stranglehold on prices from her suppliers. As a result, she has some of the highest prices in all of Vvardenfell (exceeded only by Ababael Timsar-Dadisun). Fortunately, none of what she sells is particularly rare or valuable, and can all be found almost anywhere else for much less.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

The Price ListEdit

"Welcome, friend. Perhaps I can interest you in some of my goods? I realize the prices are a bit high, but that is beyond my control."
prices are a bit high
"Yes, they are. Of course, since we only have one supplier, they set all the prices. The East Empire Company has a stranglehold on all of the imports to Vivec, so we are forced to pay whatever prices they set. While some other shipments of goods come into the ports at Ebonheart, they get held up by so much bureaucracy, it simply isn't profitable for them to ship here."
"It's ridiculous. Their ships are searched by the Duke's men, and are often held in customs for weeks at a time. Of course, the Company's boats aren't subject to the same scrutiny. I don't know what part the Duke is playing in this, but I'd certainly like to find out."
Perhaps I can help you.
"Well, there is something you might be able to provide for me. I'd like to know who is setting the prices for the Company. I know much of the pricing goes through J'Zhirr in Ebonheart. If you can find some information on this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it."
I won't get involved in this.
"I can't say I blame you. There's something strange going on there, and it might not be wise to get mixed up in it."

After obtaining the evidence:

setting the prices
"You've found a price list? Excellent! I...I can't believe this! This is from the Duke's office. He must be setting the margins for the Company and taking a cut of the profits! This is an outrage. I'll find another way to restock my goods. Thank you, %PCName. I'm sure you've learned a bit about business from all of this. I'm sure this knowledge will help you in business dealings in the future."