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Morrowind:Manat Shimmabadas

< Morrowind: People
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Manat Shimmabadas (manat shimmabadas)
Location Mila-Nipal, Manat's Yurt
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 14 Class Barbarian
Other Information
Health 266 Magicka 25
Alarm 0 Fight 50
Manat Shimmabadas

Manat Shimmabadas is an outcast Ashlander who has taken one Beden Giladren hostage at his camp, Mila-Nipal. Lloros Sarano of House Redoran may ask for your help in finding this abducted pilgrim.

Related QuestsEdit

House RedoranEdit


  • Beden Giladren
    • "Yes, you heard right. I have the famous noble Beden Giladren. I demand five thousand drakes in ransom."
      • Nevermind. "Come back when you are ready to pay the ransom."
      • Who? "What do you mean? You have not heard of the famous Redoran noble Beden Giladren?"
        • Nevermind. (see above)
        • He is not famous. "He told me that he was a famous noble of House Redoran. Perhaps you should speak with him."
    • "Yes, you heard right. I have the famous noble Beden Giladren. I demand five thousand drakes in ransom. Will you pay?"
      • Yes. [5000 Gold has been removed from your inventory.] "Very well. Beden Giladren is free to leave and we can trade with you outlanders for food this winter."
      • No. (same as Nevermind.)
      • Who? (see above)
    • "So this "famous noble" is a liar and a coward. Very well, you can have him for five drakes."
      • Nevermind. (see above)
      • Pay 5 drakes. [5 Gold has been removed from your inventory.] "Good. He is free to leave."
    • "He is free to go."
    • "The famous noble is no longer enjoying our hospitality."