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Morrowind:Kill Hard-Heart (Thieves Guild)

< Morrowind: Quests: Thieves Guild / Vivec City
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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written

For the Fighters Guild quest of the same name, see Kill Hard-Heart (Fighters Guild).

Kill the corrupt Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.
Quest Giver: Gentleman Jim Stacey at Simine Fralinie's Bookshop in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Canalworks
Location(s): Vivec
Prerequisite Quest: The Brothers Ienith
Reward: The Skeleton Key
Promotion to Master Thief.
Disposition: +15 Disposition
Reputation Gain: +15 (Thieves Guild)
ID: TG_KillHardHeart
Required Rank: Mastermind
Hard-Heart fighting back

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Gentleman Jim Stacey at Simine Fralinie's Bookshop, in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Canalworks, for a new job.
  2. Travel to Vivec's Guild of Fighters and eliminate Sjoring Hard-Heart to remove the influence of the Camonna Tong from the Fighters Guild.
  3. Return to Gentleman Jim Stacey to complete the quest.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit


Gentleman Jim Stacey at Simine Fralinie's Bookshop, in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Canalworks, wants you to kill Sjoring Hard-Heart in the Vivec Guild of Fighters to remove the influence of the Camonna Tong from the Fighters Guild.

Kill Hard-HeartEdit

Sjoring Hard-Heart can be found in the basement of Vivec's Guild of Fighters in the Foreign Quarter Plaza. Despite being Master of the Fighters Guild, he is an average opponent. Frenzy Humanoid or Taunt can be used to force him to strike first, in order to avoid any negative consequences when killing him. Command Humanoid or Charm spells can be used to lead him to an isolated area before attacking.

Once the job is done, return to Gentleman Jim Stacey to be rewarded with The Skeleton Key, as well as a promotion to Master Thief. Jim Stacey will disappear from the game after this quest, so finish up any remaining quests with him first.


  • If you plan on finishing the Fighters Guild's quests, you should speak with Percius Mercius about his final quest. That way, you can return to each guild with the final promotion to head of guild.
  • Close the door to Hard-Heart's room before you attack him, otherwise the guild members will be alerted and assist him. They will not attack you if Hard-Heart is already dead, but they will prevent you from looting his room.


  • Speaking to Gentleman Jim Stacey about Sjoring Hard-Heart will start this final quest even if you haven't completed any of the other Thieves Guild quests. Completing the quest at this point will prevent you from completing any of Jim Stacey's earlier guild quests. For he will disappear from the game as he usually would after completing this quest.
    • Also if you killed Hard-Heart early and then speak to Jim Stacey on the topic of Sjoring Hard-Heart for the first time, the quest will be completed even though you didn't have the job. Like above, completing this quest will prevent you from completing any of his previous jobs.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Kill Hard-Heart (TG_KillHardHeart)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Gentleman Jim Stacey asked me to kill Sjoring Hard-Heart, the Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.
100 Finishes quest  Gentleman Jim Stacey thanked me for killing Sjoring Hard-Heart and gave me the Skeleton Key, a priceless artifact.

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