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Morrowind:Ald Skar Inn

< Morrowind: Places: Taverns
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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Thuraya Salaris, checked by Dillonn241

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Chezburgar
Ald Skar Inn
(view on map)
Proprietor Boderi Farano
Console Location Code(s)
"Ald-ruhn, Ald Skar Inn"
Ald'ruhn, [-2,6]
Ald Skar Inn

The Ald Skar Inn is an inn in Ald'ruhn.

Boderi Farano tends the bar

It is situated next to the Council Club and behind Codus Callonus: Bookseller. The publican, Boderi Farano, is upstairs and offers drinks, sundries, and beds. The wealthy trader Hassour Zainsubani is located down the second stairs.

Most items in the inn are owned by its residents, but there are 22 drakes on a shelf in the easternmost bedroom, and a copy of The Red Book of Riddles in one of the southern rooms that can be freely taken.

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Zainsubani Informant: Seek out Hassour Zainsubani in Ald'ruhn and ask him about the Ashlanders and the Nerevarine Cult.

House RedoranEdit




Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Boderi Farano   Dark Elf Publican 7 66 120 100 30 Merchant
Fathusa Girethi   Dark Elf Bard 4 52 114 0 30
Hassour Zainsubani   Dark Elf Thief Thieves Guild Operative(Operative) 7 71 100 0 30
Merthierry Laelippe   Breton Farmer 4 62 104 0 30
Sadryn Volos   Dark Elf Commoner 2 51 82 0 30
Shashev   Dark Elf Mage 15 93 148 0 30
Skeetul   Argonian Commoner 4 58 86 0 30
Tuundir   Wood Elf Herder 3 48 84 0 30
