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Lore:Supernal Dreamers

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A Supernal Dreamer Camp circa 2E 582

The Supernal Dreamers were a Daedric Cult who were active primarily in the region of Stormhaven in High Rock, but were also found in Vaermina's Shrine in Cyrodiil by the time of the year 2E 582.[1][2][3] They believed Vaermina to be the greatest of the Daedric Princes and used to spread word of her divinity across Tamriel[4], demanding the death of those that did not agree with their vision if they were not able to be converted[5] also claiming that she was the only one able to save Cyrodiil from the chaos of the time of the Interregnum, hoping that she would be able to bring peace to the land and even offering some of their own ranks as willing sacrifices.[6]


The cult already existed prior to the events of the Alliance War and had at least more than dozens of members[7], there were few reports of the Dreamers prior to the conflict and both High King Emeric of the Daggerfall Covenant and Duke Nathaniel of Alcaire hoped that they were only a short-lived problem to the region but the Dreamers soon began raiding and recruiting citizens of the area, leading to the Knights of the Flame being ordered to arrest cult members on sight and their leader to ask for the knightly order to take responsibility for the security of Alcaire.[8] Their actions apparently increased in number and severity after Vaermina herself summoned the cultists, calling them from across Tamriel in order to come to Stormhaven.[9]

Their objective in Stormhaven was to throw the Daggerfall Covenant into a nightmare from whence they would not be able to return, in addition to previous actions they began to summon hordes of daedra of varying kinds including scamps, clannfear and dremora to plague the lands and perpetuate the nightmare Vaermina envisioned. They were also aided by Omens, daedra sent by the prince, with those acting in places of power behind the scenes. The Dreamers also began to use citizens as vessels or blood sacrifices to aid them in summoning daedra[7]. Their allies in the Midnight Union, a group of smugglers in the region, also advanced against at least one mine with an abandoned fort inside in order to take supplies and sell them in the city of Wayrest, using the profit to further the cult's mission.[10]

The Omens that Vaermina sent or were instrumental in helping the cult, figures of power influenced by them include Sir Hughes, who was the leader of the Knights of the Flame at the time, and General Godrun of the Daggerfall Covenant, both had their dreams affected by the Omen of Fear and Omen of Betrayal respectively. Those influences led to the death of Duchess Lakana in Alcaire and almost caused Godrun to betray Emeric and attack Wayrest, with the latter being stopped by the Vestige with the aid of followers of Azura situated in Pariah Abbey.[11][12]

Some of their actions were seen as sloppy inside the cult when in reference to the ones in Menevia and Alcaire as it caused the Spirit Wardens of Pariah Abbey as well as the Vestige, who had been sent by King Emeric as a representative, to actively work against them. Thanks to that situation, they had to accelerate their activities, although they had also been able to destroy a shrine of Azura at the Weeping Giant in Stormhaven, later moving to Aphren's Hold in order to find relics to aid their cause.[13]

Eventually, their campaign was not able to succeed and they were stopped by the Vestige on several occasions, sometimes with the help of either local forces or the followers of the Spirit Wardens.[14] Ultimately, Vaermina tried to affect Emeric himself with the aid of a watcher known as the Night Terror, Vaermina's lover. The defeat of several powerful followers of the Prince in the hands of the Vestige, as well as their escape from her realm of Quagmire after an attempt of imprisoning the hero, marked the end of the Vaermina and the Dreamer's threat, with the Daedric Prince herself promising vengeance.[15]

Despite the defeat, they were still in operation some time later and were causing problems for the Lion Guard. A recruiter of the New Moon Cult, worshippers of the dragon Laatvulon, had been sent to convince the Dreamers to join their cause, but that recruiter was later killed by the Vestige who was acting at the behest of the reformed Dragonguard and his notes were taken back to the Dragonguard's Sanctum located in an island next to Southern Elsweyr.[16]

The fate of the group is ultimately unknown, but by 3E405, they were no longer found in any area of the Iliac Bay region.[17]



  • Supposedly the Supernal Dreamers were also able to summon Omens by using the aid of ornate sets of cards known as Omen Cards.[18]

See AlsoEdit

