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< Lore: Races
"When Jode is New and Jone is Full
Then shall be born the Ohmes
Hairless infiltrators that most cannot even see are Khajiit
Beautiful, yes, but more akin to Elves in visage
Still, their unique beauty offers advantage
The Ohmes are among our greatest spies."

All Our Perfect Forms
Ohmes are born when Masser is new and Secunda is full

The Ohmes are a bipedal furstock of Khajiit. They are said to resemble elves,[1] specifically Bosmer, though they are sometimes shorter. To avoid being mistaken as such, many Ohmes tattoo or paint their faces to resemble a feline aspect.[2][3][4] They have also occasionally been described as man-like and man-faced.[5][6] They are said to be the only furstock not to receive the blessing of fur.[3][1] They are said make excellent infiltrators.[1]

The Imperial Geographical Society has claimed them to be the most common kind of Khajiit to be encountered outside of Elsweyr, usually as adventurers or diplomats.[6]


See AlsoEdit


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^ Forum posts of Douglas Goodall