The Night of Green Fire occurred in 4E 42, when the Thalmor attacked Altmer dissident refugees who had fled persecution in Alinor and were living in the city of Sentinel, in Hammerfell. According to a Legion officer claiming to be an eyewitness, there was an explosion of magic in the refugee quarter, where Thalmor mages were attacking the Altmer dissidents who, in turn, were resisting with magic of their own. Running to the scene with other Legionaries who were stationed there, the eyewitness found the entire refugee quarter a smoking ruin, and that everyone had been slaughtered.[1]
This night appears to have been part of a broader effort by the Thalmor, whose agents were also harassing and possibly murdering refugees in Balfiera and Sentinel around this time; the victims were all of mixed blood or had associations considered by the Dominion to be "unclean."[2]
- ^ Legate Fasendil's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Lord of Souls — Greg Keyes