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Lore:Meet the Character - Vivec

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Book Information
Writer Bill Slavicsek
Publication Date: July 16, 2024
Meet the Character - Vivec
A Nord diplomat's report about meeting the Warrior-Poet

This was written by lead writer Bill Slavicsek. It was released as part of the Anniversary Spotlight — Morrowind & Clockwork City during the 10 Years of ESO event.

A report, as requested by Skald-King Jorunn, preparated by Rigurt the Brash, diplomat, ambassador-at-large, and leader of the Glorious Expedition for Nord Cultural Exchange.
Most excellent skald-king!
Rigurt has done as tasked. Mission was difficult, as are all Rigurt's duties lately, but great success has been achieved! Rigurt has compilated [sic] all sorts of details and factitudes [sic] about Lord Vivec, one of Tribunal that rules over puny Dark Elves of Morrowind. It is important to know as much as we can about the leaders of our allies in the Ebonheart Pact. And even better, Rigurt spoke personally to Lord Vivec! Sort of. But Rigurt will get to that.
As most-smart and brilliant skald-king undoubtedly knows, Lord Vivec is considered Living God and worshiped [sic] by most of Dark Elves. Between us and cookpot, Rigurt much prefers gods he cannot see or hear to those close enough to smite him for least transgression. And you know that Rigurt sometimes transgresses. And quite vigorously! Though usually not on purpose.
Vivec, along with Almalexia and Sotha Sil, form Tribunal, and all three tiny Dark Elves claim godhood. While Almalexia nominally rules over Dark Elf kingdom from temple in Mournhold, and Sotha Sil apparently hides in very tiny city inside clock, (that is what Rigurt was told, honest to Kyne! Rigurt would never make up such silly story!) Vivec mostly keeps to own affairs in Vivec City. It is confusing place, very big and very beautiful, in that bewildering Dark Elf way.
Like you, Jorunn, Vivec is a skald. He calls himself the Warrior-Poet, and Rigurt cannot argue with this nomenplumer [sic]. (That's fancy word for name. Rigurt read it in a book somewhere!) During the Akaviri invasion that led to formation of our glorious Pact, Vivec intervened to finally end conflict. Now, while Rigurt has been able to verificate [sic] overall details of event, some of what he has heard sounds far to fetch [sic], if you catch Rigurt's meaning. As invaders prepared to assault beach at Vivec's Antlers—yes, Vivec likes sound of own name—Vivec used divinely [sic] powers to flood plain and drown Akaviri army. According to one eyed witness [sic], Vivec taught Dark Elf warriors how to breathe water for a day, so rising waters were no problem for them. Rigurt is tempted to ask Vivec to teach him as well, for next time skald-king orders Rigurt to jump in lake. Anyway, after battle, that is when he gifted skald-king with ornate walking stick you now use as support for that loose shelf in study.
As to claims of Lord Vivec's godenly [sic] status, well, Rigurt has seen and been told about some fantastical things. For all the stories of miracles and powers, what Rigurt witnessified [sic] with own eyes may be the most best indicator. Lord Vivec floats! Not just occasionally. All the time! He sits crossed legged in midair, either deep in meditation (though Rigurt thinks he's napping) or quoting his own writing to his priests and worshipers [sic]. Some of his parables and wittisisums [sic] are quite profound and beautiful—though not anywhere near as good as the poems of skald-king! (See, Rigurt can too do flattering. He is diplomat, after all!)
Rigurt now make supposes [sic]. Did you know that rock hovers over Vivec City? Dark Elves tell Rigurt that rock fell from sky and was about to crush city like Rigurt squash Jubilee Cake at last skald-king feast (why cake was on chair where Rigurt sat without looking is mystery) when Vivec reached up and told rock to stop. Now it just floats there. Does Vivec leave it as memorial or warning? Rigurt will let skald-king decide that.
Vivec has honor guard, too. Or maybe special agents? Calls them Buoyant Armigers, and Rigurt has no clue as to what either of those words means [sic]. These agents are definitely military and totally dedicated to Lord Vivec. Perhaps skald-king should take note. These Boy Armingers [sic] all consider themselves to be poets in own right. Would Jorunn like army of skalds? Personally, Rigurt thinks rhyming would get tiresomed [sic] real quick.
What else to say? Rigurt thinks Vivec is most popular and public of Tribunal. Dark Elves claim he performs hundreds of miracles every day to help his people. Whether for good or grandizmenting [sic], he certainly likes to show off his power. And they keep saying this strange word, Almsivi. Rigurt still has no idea what it means. Must be Dark Elf word, and Rigurt is still learning language.
Oh, Rigurt almost forgot! Rigurt's meeting with Lord Vivec! When Rigurt personally spoke to Living God! Sort of. After being sent from one canon to next, a busy archcanon finally agreed to introduce leader of Glorious Expedition for Nord Cultural Exchange to Lord Vivec. Archcanon led Rigurt into Lord Vivec's palace/temple/place, where Rigurt waited in long line with hundreds of followers seeking miracles or blessings or whatever Lord Vivec provides. Finally, with grumbling stomach (Rigurt was hungry!) and legs tired from standing, Rigurt reached front of line. There was tiny, multicolored Dark Elf, sitting/floating in midair. But before Rigurt could ask important question, Boy-ant Armiguy [sic] stepped between us and proclaimed, "Lord Vivec is done for day! Return on morrow, now hear and obey!"
"Wait" Rigurt yelled, "Rigurt has gift for little god person!"
"Gift? What sort of gift?" asked the Armiger with suspiciousment [sic] as Lord Vivec looked on.
"A gift from the leader of Glorious Expedition for Nord Cultural Exchange and Jorunn the Skald-King! Rigurt presents Lord Vivec with these—delicious rabbit meatballs and a wheel of stinky cheese!"
The Armigordinator [sic] took box from Rigurt, looked inside, and scowled. "What's this? It's empty!"
"Well," Rigurt said sheepishly, "line was long and Rigurt got hungry. But was delicious! Even stinky cheese!"
Rigurt saw Lord Vivec smile as Armenhoger [sic] dragged Rigurt out of temple/palace/place. And that is what is most important about Lord Vivec, skald-king. He has sense of humor! As Rigurt was forcibly departed from Lord Vivec's presence, Rigurt heard the Warrior-Poet quote himself, "Alas, the most sincere gift cannot survive the desires of a hungry Nord."