Bi-Lunar Guard, also known as the Warrior Guard,[1] Mane's Legion,[2] and Protectors of the Mane[3] was the faction that served as the protectors of the Palace of the Mane, located near Torval.[4] Outsiders have been traditionally forbidden to trespass on the estates of the Mane, and the members of the Warrior Guard were responsible for enforcing this measure.[1] By tradition, they are all mounted on matching Black Mane Lions, which are reserved for them alone. Riding one of those steeds near them is considered a great taboo.[4]
Warrior Guard served the spiritual leader of the Khajiit, the Mane. In ancient times the Khajiit would shave off their manes in deference to the Mane, braiding them into locks which the Mane would incorporate into its own headdress. The Mane was so weighted down by the hair that movement was difficult without aid and they often traveled the countryside by means of a palanquin. As the population grew, however, this custom became impractical.[5] As a result, the headdress was altered to only include the hair of the Mane's tribe and the Warrior Guard, which still included several hundred in number.[1]
- In cut content from ESO, Warmaster Rahira, one of the members of the Warrior Guard was an ally of the Vestige in Grahtwood.[UOL 1]
See AlsoEdit
- For game-specific information, see the Legends article.
- ^ a b c Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Elsweyr Confederacy — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ The Eagle and the Cat — Lord Gharesh-ri, Speaker for the Mane
- ^ Protector of the Mane in Legends
- ^ a b Black Mane Lion description in ESO
- ^ Khali's dialogue in ESO
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.