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Lore:Fortress of Ice

< Lore: Places: F
Fortress of Ice
Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Skyrim
Hold Winterhold
Appears in Arena
Location of the Fortress of Ice
"Hah! You might as well ask a parent which is his favorite child! So many of my little projects became legend. Eyevea, Labyrinthian, the great Ice Fortress of Winterhold…and Glamoril, of course. But I do go on…"Arch-Mage Shalidor[1]

The Fortress of Ice (also called the great Ice Fortress of Winterhold)[1] is an ancient fortress located within the Hold of Winterhold of the province of Skyrim, south of the city of Winterhold in the vicinity of Helarchen Creek and Amol.[2] According to old texts, it was the home of Arch-Mage Shalidor,[3] where he presumably resided with his wife Ulfsild during his lifetime. Shalidor would later recount the Fortress as among his most accomplished feats.[1]


Shalidor once made a deal with Sheogorath in which he wagered Eyevea for a chance at the Folium Discognitum to complete his work on Glamoril. He lost the wager and came to regret it and vowed to get Eyevea back at any cost. He soon became so obsessed with his work to retrieve Eyevea that he ignored his wife entirely and left his home for days on end, resulting in her leaving him.[4]

During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the Winterhold Mages Guild was composing a map to find the hidden location of Labyrinthian. A group of knights from the Fortress of Ice attacked a small caravan destined for the guild, containing a missing tablet that could be used to decipher a part of the Elder Scrolls that would complete a map to Labyrinthian.[5] Thelen Kaarn, the leader of the Winterhold Mages Guild, enlisted the Eternal Champion to retrieve the tablet from the Fortress of Ice, which was occupied by the thieving knights, as well as snow wolves and ice golems. Upon obtaining the tablet and delivering it to Kaarn, the Champion was given the location of Labyrinthian, which contained the second piece of the Staff of Chaos. [6]

By 4E 201, Loyalist pilgrims of the Empire that wanted to re-trace the steps of the Eternal Champion would visit the same locations the champion had traveled to on their journey.[7]



  1. ^ a b c Dialogue with Arch-Mage Shalidor in ESO
  2. ^ Map of Skyrim in Arena
  3. ^ Dialogue with Ria Silmane in Arena
  4. ^ Circus of Cheerful Slaughter quest in ESO
  5. ^ Dialogue with Thelen Kaarn in Arena
  6. ^ Events of Arena
  7. ^ A Minor Maze