The Equinox is an astronomical phenomenon where day and night are nearly equal in length.[1]
In Liminal Bridges, Camilonwe of Alinor discusses the significance of the equinox in magical practices. In this text, the equinox plays a crucial role in the ritual required to transform a morpholith into a sigil stone, an essential artifact for opening portals to Oblivion. The process involves preparing a purified chamber and placing the morpholith on a table at dawn during the equinox. The mechanic then performs uninterrupted rites from the Book of Law until sunset. The timing of the equinox is significant as it seems to enhance the ritual's effectiveness, allowing the morpholith to be prepared for inscription by a Daedra Lord, turning it into a sigil stone capable of sustaining powerful arcane energies.[1]
According to one of the books in the Ancient Tales of the Dwemer series, The Snow Elf and the Variation-Lens,[2][3] written by Gor Felim (under the alias of Marobar Sul),[4] a so-called "dual equinox" is described as a real phenomenon. In this fictional account, Mzulchond, a Tonal Architect, spent twenty years tuning a great animus geode he discovered in Inner Duathand, attempting to synchronize it with the precession of these dual equinoxes to capture the elusive Nirnpith Essence.[2][3] Despite being a poorly researched work posing as serious scholarship, Felim's texts influenced the perception of the Dwemer among the people of Tamriel, shaping popular beliefs and misconceptions about them.[4][5]
Some pieces of equipment were named after the equinox phenomenon. In the late days of the Third Era, the Gauntlets of the Equinox, a pair of mithril gauntlets imbued with resistance to frost, were found in Cyrodiil.[6]