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Legends:Sweet Roll

< Legends: Cards
Sweet Roll
Creature (Pastry)
LG-card-Sweet Roll.png
Card Set LG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Availability Created
Alternate Art Availability Heart's Day 2018 (Grisly Gourmet)
Illustrator Heart's Day Promo: Anastasia Ovchinnikova
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png1
Attribute Neutral Neutral
Power Power 0 Health Health 1
Rarity Legendary Legendary
(Regular) If a creature eats Sweet Roll, heal them.
(Fetched) There were no creatures to fetch, so we gave you this Sweet Roll. If a creature eats it, heal them.

Sweet Roll is a legendary Neutral creature card. It has two variants, both of which have to be created.


The basic variant can be created by two cards:

  • Wabbajack has a low chance of transforming creatures into this variant
  • Grisly Gourmet's summon ability can do the same

The second, which is created when a card can't fetch a card matching its conditions can be created by other cards:


  • Playing this card will grant you The Pastry Chef title.
  • The alternative art Grisly Gourmet that could be obtained on the 14th, 15th, and 16th login rewards in February 2018, also creates an alternative art Sweet Roll. It is themed for Heart's Day, the Tamrielic equivalent to Valentine's Day.
  • Mecinar and Blackmail formerly created a Sweet Roll of the second variety when a deck did not have any creatures in it. This was respectively changed in September and November 2018.
