This page contains text from the old People and Places in Tamriel page of the official bethsoft site. The original page can be found here.
Battlespire: Battlespire is a citadel for the training of battlemages. It is located in its own pocket universe and held there by magical anchors. Only the most elite warriors are sent there to train.
Skyrim (Nords): The citizens of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people. Strong, willful, and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost, and are known for their prowress as warriors.
Elsweyr (Khajiit): Descended from the great cats of the desert, the Khajiit are an agile, intelligent, and hardy people. Some chose to decorate their faces in the style of their feline ancestors, and almost all, given the inclination, make excellent thieves due to their climbing abilities.
Hammerfell (Redguards): The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark Redguards of Hammerfell seem to have been created for battle. In addition to their affinity for weaponry, Redguards are blessed with hardy constitutions and quickness of foot.
High Rock (Bretons): Highly intelligent and willful, the Bretons have a natural bond with the forces of magicka. Many great sorcerers have come out of High Rock, and even the humblest Breton can boast a high resistance to the destructive powers of magicka.
Black Marsh (Argonians): The strange reptillian people of Black Marsh seem equally as comfortable in the water as on land - surely no other race of Tamriel can swim faster or for longer than the Argonians. An intelligent, quick-footed, and agile people. Argonians aften train in magery and thievery.
Valenwood (Wood Elves): The finest archers in Tamriel, the Wood Elves of Valenwood are as nimble and quick as the wind. Because of their curious natures and natural ability, Wood Elves often become thieves.
Sumurset Isle (High Elves): The tall, golden-skinned High Elves are easily equal to Bretons in sorcerous ability due to their high intelligence, force of will, and agility. They are more susceptible to spells than the people of High Rock, but by their nature are completely immune to paralyzation.
Morrowind (Dark Elves): The dusky, fire-eyed Dark Elves of Morrowind are a strong, intelligent, and quick-footed people. They are legendary sorcerers and warriors, with a prowress with sword and bow rivaling that of the Redguards and Wood Elves.
The Imperial Province: This is the land governed directly by the emperor of Tamriel, located in the middle of the continent.