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Daggerfall Mod:Image formats/RCI

< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: File Formats: Image formats

RCI Files (*.RCI) each consist of a contiguous list of UncompressedPixelData structures, defined below. Each element of the list describes a single image. Since each image of an RCI File have the same dimensions, and since RCI Files store the image data in UncompressedPixelData format, reading the list of images is a trivial matter of reading x bytes at a time. x is derived by multiplying the image's Width by Height properties, listed below by filename. E.g., A 64x64 pixel image RCI File would imply each UncompressedPixelData structure to be exactly 4096 (64 × 64) bytes long, and the total file length would be an integer multiple of 4096.


PixelData is a variably-sized array of UInt8 values, each value being an index to a Colour element of the ColourList of a Palette File.

Decoding Uncompressed Image DataEdit

The resultant image is defined as being Width wide and Height high. Since the data is uncompressed, then each byte read represents one pixel of image data. One merely matches byte n to Palette[n] to retrieve the colour for that pixel.

Example code:

System.Drawing.Color[] DecodeUncompressedImage( 
      System.Byte[] dataRead, 
      System.Drawing.Color[] palette 
) { 
   System.Drawing.Color[] output = new System.Drawing.Color[ this.Width * this.Height ];
   System.Int32 k;
   for ( System.Int32 j = 0; j < Height; j++ ) { 
      k = j * Width;
      for ( System.Int32 i = 0; i < Width; i++ ) { 
         output[ k + i ] = palette[ dataRead[ k + i ] ];
   return output;

RCI File Image DimensionsEdit

Since each RCI File implies images of a specific dimension, then reading each of the contained images

RCI File ImgHeader Properties
File Name Width Height Pixel data length in bytes
BUTTONS.RCI 32 16 512
CHLD00I0.RCI 64 64 4096
MPOP.RCI 17 17 289
NOTE.RCI 49 9 441
SPOP.RCI 22 22 44
TFAC00I0.RCI 64 64 4096
FACES.CIF 64 64 4096
BANK01I1.IMG 9 80 720
BANK01I2.IMG 9 80 720
TRAV0I03.IMG 45 22 990
GRAD00I0.IMG 43 40 1720
GRAD01I0.IMG 43 40 1720
TALK03I0.IMG 107 20 2140
ITEM01I0.IMG 36 81 2916
MASK01I0.IMG 40 80 3200
MASK04I0.IMG 40 80 3200
TRAV01I0.IMG 179 22 3938
TRAV01I1.IMG 179 22 3938
TALK02I0.IMG 107 40 4280
COMPASS.IMG 322 14 4508
ICON00I0.IMG 320 64 20480
BUTN01I0.IMG 184 144 26496
AMAP00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
BIOG00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
BOOK00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR02I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR03I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR04I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CHAR05I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CNFG00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CORT01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
CUST00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
DESERT.IMG 320 200 64000
INFO00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INFO01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE02I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE04I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE05I0.IMG 320 200 64000
INVE0FI0.IMG 320 200 64000
ITEM00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
LGBK00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
LOAD00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
MAP100I0.IMG 320 200 64000
MASK00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
MASK02I0.IMG 320 200 64000
MASK05I0.IMG 320 200 64000
MASK06I0.IMG 320 200 64000
PICK01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL04I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL05I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL07I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL08I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL09I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL10I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL11I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL12I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL13I0.IMG 320 200 64000
SCRL14I0.IMG 320 200 64000
TALK01I0.IMG 320 200 64000
TAMRIEL.IMG 320 200 64000
TAMRIEL2.IMG 320 200 64000
TMAP00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
TRAV0I00.IMG 320 200 64000
TRAV0I01.IMG 320 200 64000
DANK02I0.IMG 320 215 68800
NITE02I0.IMG 512 219 112128
NITE03I0.IMG 512 219 112128
NITE00I0.IMG 512 219 112128
NITE01I0.IMG 512 219 112128

Palettized RCI FilesEdit

There is a set of files which extend the above format. Immediately following the images is a valid PalFile structure. Assumedly this palette is to be used when displaying the images.

Special RCI File ImgHeader Properties
File Name Width Height Pixel data length in bytes
CHGN00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
DIE_00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
PICK02I0.IMG 320 200 64000
PICK03I0.IMG 320 200 64000
PRIS00I0.IMG 320 200 64000
TITL00I0.IMG 320 200 64000