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Daggerfall:The Beast (Alternative)

< Daggerfall: Quests: Main Quest
Kill a werebeast for Cyndassa.
Quest Giver: Cyndassa at Castle Daggerfall
Location(s): Tristore Laboratory, Betony
Prerequisite Quest: Privateer's Hold
Next Quest: The Emperor's Courier
Reward: Information
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain
ID: S0000007
Required Level: 5
Cyndassa wants you to accord a favor to her

Special WalkthroughEdit

The questfile that comes with the file should have provided an alternative way to do this quest, but due some oversights in the questfile, this way can not be taken unless you use a third party patch for this quest which can be found here. The regular task, finding the werewolf and kill it, can be done without any problems and the outcome is identical to that of the original quest. The major advantage of this quest is the fact that the werewolf will always be in the Tristore Laboratory, a dungeon on the Island of Betony. The following walkthrough is for players who want to use this questfile to accomplish the Cyndassa part of the main quest.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Cyndassa the maid in Castle Daggerfall when you reach level 5.
  2. Travel to the Tristore Laboratory on the island of Betony.
  3. Choose how you want to approach the quest.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Once your character has reached level 5 you can begin with your second task, finding out what has happened to the emperor's letter. First you must have a little conversation with Cyndassa, a maid at Castle Daggerfall. In the course of this conversation, she will offer you a deal; If you can manage to kill a werewolf for her, she will tell you everything she knows about the letter. She doesn't mention why she wants this werewolf dead though. She also reveals the dungeon where this werecreature can be found, the Tristore Laboratory on the Island of Betony, so set sail to reach the island.

Finding the WerewolfEdit

The Tristore Laboratory

Although the werewolf can be found very easily, the monsters that inhabit the dungeon are rather tough. You will come up against spellcasters, including Ancient Liches (even at lower levels), as well as Daedroths and Atronachs.

The werewolf is very close to the dungeon's entrance, in fact it is only a few steps away from it.

From the entrance, walk south until you come to an intersection, head east following the hallway, then go through the door at the end.

You have reached a huge room and the werewolf will be in the northwestern corner of this room. Jump down the ledge and kill it. There is a treasure pile on the top of the ramp in the middle of the room. Return to Cyndassa after you have accomplished the task.

The Alternative WayEdit

Cyndassa's friend, the witch

The other way to complete this quest, which doesn't involve killing the werewolf, is broken as mentioned in the opening statement, unless you install the third party patch. If you have done this you can complete the quest via this alternative path. For the beginning collect two diary entries, that can also be found in the Tristore Laboratory, and read them. The locations of these diary entries are shown in the image to the left. Once you have read them, exit the Tristore Laboratory and travel back to the mainland of Daggerfall. Travel to the town mentioned in the brother's diary and ask about Cyndassa's friend, the witch, until you know the town she is currently staying; by the way, you can ask in any settlement in the Daggerfall region for her whereabouts. Once you know the town, travel there and if you don't know the tavern she is staying at already, ask further until you come up with its name. When you have found her and talk to her, there are two possibilities:

  1. When your reputation with Br'itsa, The Daggerfall Witches or The Sisters of The Bluff is smaller than 4 the witch will join you to capture the werewolf.
  2. When your reputation with Br'itsa, The Daggerfall Witches or The Sisters of The Bluff is at least 4 the witch will give you a magical item you must carry with you to capture the werewolf.

Capturing the WerewolfEdit

Going with the witchEdit

After the witch has joined you, travel with her back to the Tristore Laboratory on the island of Betony. As soon as you enter the dungeon the witch suggest that you both split up to reach the werewolf. Go to the location the werewolf can be found and the witch will already be there. Hit the werewolf once with a silver or better weapon to draw blood, but don't kill it. Once it has been injured, the witch will cast a spell, paralyzing the werewolf. Wait for an in-game-minute until the spell has shifted the werewolf back to its humanoid form. Once this has been accomplished. the witch will thank you for helping her and basically tell you the same story Cyndassa would have told you, had you killed the werewolf for her (Cyndassa told her everything after a glass of wine). The witch will ask one more favor from you, escort her and the transformed brother to the Coven on The Bluff in Daggerfall, she will mark the coven on your map. Escort both of them there before the quest's second time-limit has run out and wait at the coven for two in-game minutes until the witch starts speaking to you again. She will once again thank you and tells you you are always welcome to visit there.

Going without the witchEdit

Travel back to the Tristore Laboratory on the island of Betony and enter the dungeon. Once you have reached the location of the werewolf, hit it once with a silver or better weapon to draw blood but don't kill it. Once the werwolf has been injured, the magical item in your inventory will paralyze the werewolf and within an in-game minute it will shift it back to its humanoid form. Take the transformed brother back to the witch. When you bring the brother back, the witch will thank you for your help and basically tell you the same story Cyndassa would have told you, had you killed the werewolf for her. You may also keep the magical item she gave you as a reward.

Special Reputation Gain/LossEdit

You will gain reputation according to the table below if you either bring the brother back to the witch or both of them to the Coven on The Bluff before the quest's second time-limit has expired:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Daggerfall +10
Court of Daggerfall +10
Associated Factions +5
The Sisters of The Bluf +12
Br'itsa & Julianos +15
School of Julianos & associated factions +8

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered)

Depending on your actions during this quest you may also lose reputation with the Sisters of The Bluff as seen below:

Action Reputation Gain
Reporting back to the witch after killing the werewolf -10
Reporting back to the witch after a failed capture but without killing the werewolf -5


  • Enemies
  • Quest Target: One Werewolf
  • One Wereboar at each of the diary locations (50% chance if your reputation with Br'itsa, The Daggerfall Witches or The Sisters of The Bluff is smaller than four)
  • 10x Two Werewolves every five in-game minutes (75% chance); this encounter applies with a chance of 75% if you report back to the witch after the werewolf was killed



  • The second time-limit for doing the alternative path starts as soon as you read the diary entries. This second time-limit is about as long as the time-limit Cyndassa has given you.
  • Br'itsa is apparently only used for quest intern issues (selecting an appropriated pop-up face for the witch maybe), nonetheless because she appears in the quest you can get reputation with her and the School of Julianos if you complete the alternative path successfully. A logical reason why she is in this quest is not obvious.
  • If you use the magical item the witch has given to you as long as she hasn't allowed you to keep it, it will make you ill with Caliron's Curse, after this the item will disappear.
  • The Daggerfall Chronicles refers to this quest as "The Beast".
  • Sometimes, the quest will remain broken in spite of the patches you may have installed.

Prev: Privateer's Hold Next: The Emperor's Courier