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< Castles:Rulings
<Royal Address>, many believe <Co-Requester's First Name>'s character makes (him / her) unfit to to [sic] rule. I humbly propose myself as heir in (his / her) stead.[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 1 hour
Group Happiness <= 60
Dynasty Level >= 14
Ruling Requester Subject Ruling Flags: SuccessionChallenge (disabled)
Ruling Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Enemy, relationship to Ruler is not Lover
Ruling Requester Group any of: Nobles
Ruling Co-requester Subject Ruling Flags: Heir
Ruling Co-requester Traits include any of: Heartless, Pyromaniac, Devious, Volatile, Envious
Ruling Co-requester Traits include all of: not Charming, not Leader
Ruling Co-requester All of: relationship to Requester is not Lover
Random Weight: 3

You dare second-guess me, <Requester's First Name>? Out of my sight! or

Even if that were true, I'd still prefer <Co-Requester's First Name> over you.


Ruler Traits include any of: Heartless, Reckless, Devious, Volatile


Requester Flags: SuccessionChallenge
Requester hated that! CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Co-Requester liked that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I have full confidence in <Co-Requester's First Name>. or

Be that as it may, I do not think you'd make a good ruler.


Ruler Traits include all of: not Heartless, not Reckless, not Devious, not Volatile


Requester Flags: SuccessionChallenge

Your concerns seem valid. You will be my heir. or

You speak the truth. I will grant your request.


Requester All of: relationship to Co-Requester is not Enemy


Requester Flags: Heir
Co-Requester Flags: Heir (disabled)

Your concerns seem valid. You will be my heir. or

You speak the truth. I will grant your request.


Requester Any of: relationship to Co-Requester is Enemy
Subject Kill Chance: 50%
Subject Killer: 2
Subject Killed: 1
Subject Kill Delay: 9-11 seconds


Requester Flags: Heir
Co-Requester Flags: Heir (disabled)

You dare challenge the line of succession? You are banished!

Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Friend
Co-Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Subject Kill Chance: 100%
Subject Killed: 1

I'll need to think about it. or

I can't think about this right now. or
I have better things to do than listen to rumors.


Requester Any of: relationship to Co-Requester is Friend

I'll need to think about it. or

I can't think about this right now. or
I have better things to do than listen to rumors.


Requester All of: relationship to Co-Requester is not Friend