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< Castles:Rulings
<Royal Address>, the (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) you helped us open is struggling, [sic] we need assistance to stay afloat.[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 6 hours
Ruling Flags: InnNotStruggling (disabled), InnMissionCompleted
Ruler Subject Ruling Flags: InnOpen
Ruling Requester Subject Ruling Flags: InnOpen
Random Weight: 4

I will get you out of trouble this time. or

I'll help if you change the name to <random inn name>. or
Don't make me regret my investment...


Ruler Traits include all of: not Reckless, not Sophisticated, not Tribal
Allow Costs to Reduce to Inventory Amount: Yes


Effect Flags: InnStruggling (disabled), InnNoBigRuling (disabled)
-95-120 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester liked that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I will give you food to last a few days.

Food >= 34%
Allow Costs to Reduce to Inventory Amount: Yes


Effect Flags: InnNoBigRuling (disabled)
-1100 CT-icon-resource-Food.png

We can't help at this time. or

Not right now. or
I'm sorry, [sic] I cannot help.


Effect Flags: InnStruggling, InnNoBigRuling (disabled)
Requester disliked that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

I'm getting out of the inn business. or

That's it, I'm getting out of the inn business!


Effect Flags: InnNoBigRuling (disabled)
Ruler Flags: InnOpen (disabled), NeverInn