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Castles:Morga the Witch

< Castles: Special Subjects
Morga the Witch
(lore page)
Race Orc
Gender Female
Initial Age 67
Health Health 138
Magicka Magicka 110
Stamina Stamina 96
Trait(s) Marked, Devious, Leader
Morga the Witch

Morga the Witch is a rare Orc subject. She comes equipped with a Morga's Staff and Morga's Robes.

Official DescriptionEdit

Calling herself the Witch of the Black Forest, Morga seeks our support to defeat an evil warlock threatening the realm.


A witch named Morga has entered the castle. She claims a powerful Warlock is threatening the festival.

Morga the Witch comes to the Castle during the Witches Festival.



  • Hee hee... these fools suspect nothing...
  • That warlock has always been a thorn in my side.
  • Everything is coming together.
  • Soon this entire castle will fall to my charms.
  • Wicked, me? Everything’s relative...
  • Look at them, eating right out of my hand...
  • Follow me, and I’ll bring you to the light.


  • I'll be back.


Responder Phrase
Other subject How does one become a witch?
Morga the Witch
(random among)
One way is to receive the Secret Mark of Power in an arcane ritual.
You need to open yourself to the invisible world, and let it touch you.
I know some witches will seek the patronage of a Daedric lord.
Other subject
(random among)
Does that hurt?
Seems a bit complicated.
Huh. Imagine that.
Not Khajiit:I never thought about that.

Khajiit:This one never thought about that.

Really? That sounds dangerous.
