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Bloodmoon:Stormpfund Barrow

< Bloodmoon: Places: Barrows
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Walkthrough: written by, not checked

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Stormpfund Barrow
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Bonewolves, Greater Skeleton Champions or Draugr
Console Location Code(s)
Solstheim, Stormpfund Barrow
Hirstaang Forest, [-23,17]
Stormpfund Barrow

Stormpfund Barrow is a medium-sized burial ground just west and a bit north of Fort Frostmoth.

Main chamber


The first room is a square ring, with anywhere from 2 to 6 enemies. They can be bonewolves, greater skeleton champions, or draugr, depending on your level. The short hallway to the next room can also have an enemy.

The hallway leads to a square, open room, with anywhere from 2 to 4 enemies. It has one raw stalhrim deposit at a niche on the west end. There are also three chests in this room; the north chest is locked (level 20) and trapped, the south chest is locked (level 20), and the west chest is unlocked.


  • The treasure chests contain miscellaneous random items, including potions and ingredients, armorer's hammers, many magic weapons, items and armor, and possibly a glass longsword.
  • Near the southwest corner of the first room, the buzz of a Dwemer lamp can be heard, even though there is no lamp present.
  • There a small chance that the Insane Wanderer spawns here. She is a level 99 Dark Elf barbarian who turns into a werewolf between 9pm and 6am.


Map of Stormpfund Barrow