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< Bloodmoon: People
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Graring (graring)
Location Outside Graring's House
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 40 Class Barbarian
Other Information
Health 295 Magicka 122
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Graring is a Nord barbarian located outside his house at a river fork far north of Fort Frostmoth. He and his two friends have discovered Raw Stalhrim and Carnius is not too happy about it. If you have sided with Falco, you can gain the Nords' trust by helping them dispatch an attacker, Coventina Celata. Graring has the Ancient Nordic Pick Axe necessary to harvest the mineral, as well as a Stalhrim Mace.

Related QuestsEdit

East Empire CompanyEdit

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

Discovery in the MineEdit

When first spoken to:

"You... you are not here to hurt us? Then perhaps you are different from the rest. You seek knowledge of the Stalhrim, yes?"
"You are not the first to seek it. Outsiders like this woman have been here before: always demanding, always offering payment that is useless to us. But they get nothing. The Skaal give them nothing because they call it sacred: we give them nothing because we know they would misuse it."
"The Skaal consider the Stalhrim to be holy. During the great war with the Dark Elves, many heroes fell in battle. Some could not be returned to Skyrim, and were buried here. Great magicks were worked on their tombs to protect their belongings from grave robbers, and their corpses from worse things. Energy was drawn from the land itself, and our heroes were encased in tombs of ice. That ice is Stalhrim."
misuse it
"We learned that Stalhrim can be forged much like iron or steel. We were made outcasts for it; the Skaal are too narrow-minded to understand its practical value. Some, like this woman, hear of it and come seeking it, but will not get it from us. You, however, have earned my respect. We will now see if you can truly be trusted - take this pick axe, and use it to chip off a piece of Stalhrim. Bring that piece to me."

If spoken to again without Stalhrim:

"Bring me some of it, so that I may know you can be trusted. Then, we shall speak more of it."

Once you return with Stalhrim:

"What is it, friend?"
"You have some of it? I shall not take it from you; that you were willing to bring it is proof enough. Now that I now you can be trusted, you may come to us at any time, and we will construct for you armor and weapons. Speak to Aenar and Hidar; they will do these things for you with my blessing."
misuse it
"I do not believe you will put these things to a bad use, %PCName. You are not like the others."