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< Blades: Enemies / NPCs
A Warmaster

Warmasters are an enemy group in Blades that are hostile to the player. Warmasters are weak to cleaving and poison damage, but resist frost and shock damage. Despite each having 120 magicka, they do not have any spells to cast. The divine weapon called Spiderfang can beat Warmasters quickly before they kill you.



The following Warmasters are the variants found in Jobs and many other Quests.
Warlord Family

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Warmasters Level Damage                 Abilities
Warmaster Min 10 44 251 220 13.5 118 61.56 61.56 8.4 6.75 Power Attack (1)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 16 56 412 280 14 178
Warmaster Min 17 58 472 290 228 185 87.48 87.48 9.07 9.72 Skullcrusher (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (1)
Max 25 73 668 370 314 252
Warmaster Min 26 74 685 380 324 259 113.4 113.4 11.76 12.6 Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (1)
Max 34 88 813 460 396 315
Warmaster Min 35 91 829 470 405 322 137.7 137.7 14.28 15.3 Reckless Fury (1)
Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (2)
Max 43 103 1,021 550 477 378
Warmaster Min 44 105 995 560 487 384 159.69 159.69 16.56 17.74 Reckless Fury (1)
Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (3)
Max 52 118 1,071 640 549 432
Warmaster Min 53 120 1,095 650 547 431 194.4 194.4 20.16 21.6 Reckless Fury (1)
Indomitable Smash (2)
Skullcrusher (5)
Adrenaline Dodge (6)
Max 67 145 1,530 790 675 550
Warmaster Min 68 147 1,542 800 691 562 206.55 206.55 21.42 22.95 Reckless Fury (2)
Indomitable Smash (3)
Skullcrusher (6)
Adrenaline Dodge (7)
Dodging Strike (7)
Max 82 174 1,940 940 829 685
Warmaster Min 83 177 1,954 950 853 702 255.15 255.15 26.46 28.35 Reckless Fury (3)
Indomitable Smash (6)
Skullcrusher (9)
Adrenaline Dodge (10)
Power Attack (12)
Max 97 204 2,298 1,090 1,004 832
Warmaster Min 98 206 2,321 1,100 1,015 841 291.6 291.6 30.24 32.4 Reckless Fury (4)
Indomitable Smash (8)
Skullcrusher (12)
Adrenaline Dodge (12)
Dodging Strike (13)
Max 99 208 2,345 1,110 1,026 850
Warmaster Min 100 211 2,356 1,120 1,036 860 315.9 315.9 32.76 35.1 Reckless Fury (5)
Indomitable Smash (8)
Skullcrusher (13)
Adrenaline Dodge (14)
Power Attack (15)
Dodging Strike (14)
Max 101 213 2,380 1,130 1,047 869


The following Warmasters are the variants found in the Abyss.
Warlord Family Abyss

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Warmasters Level Damage                 Abilities
Warmaster Min 26 74 685 380 324 259 113.4 113.4 11.76 12.6 Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (1)
Max 34 88 813 460 396 315
Warmaster Min 35 91 829 470 405 322 137.7 137.7 14.28 15.3 Reckless Fury (1)
Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (2)
Max 43 103 1,021 550 477 378
Warmaster Min 44 105 995 560 487 384 159.69 159.69 16.56 17.74 Reckless Fury (1)
Indomitable Smash (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (3)
Max 52 118 1,071 640 549 432
Warmaster Min 68 147 1,542 800 691 562 206.55 206.55 21.42 22.95 Reckless Fury (2)
Indomitable Smash (3)
Skullcrusher (6)
Adrenaline Dodge (7)
Dodging Strike (7)
Max 82 174 1,940 940 829 685
Warmaster Min 98 206 2,321 1,100 1,015 841 291.6 291.6 30.24 32.4 Reckless Fury (4)
Indomitable Smash (8)
Skullcrusher (12)
Adrenaline Dodge (12)
Dodging Strike (13)
Max 99 208 2,345 1,110 1,026 850

The Dark HoldEdit

The following Warmasters can be encountered in The Dark Hold. They favor offense over defense.[verification needed — What does this entail?]

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Warmasters Level Damage                 Abilities
Warmaster Min 10 44 251 450 13.5 118 61.56 61.56 8.4 6.75 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 16 56 412 510 14 178
Warmaster Min 17 58 472 520 228 185 87.48 87.48 9.07 9.72 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 25 73 668 600 314 252
Warmaster Min 26 74 685 610 324 259 113.4 113.4 11.76 12.6 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 34 88 813 690 396 315
Warmaster Min 35 91 829 700 405 322 137.7 137.7 14.28 15.3 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 43 103 1,021 780 477 378
Warmaster Min 44 105 995 790 487 384 159.69 159.69 16.56 17.74 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 52 118 1,071 870 549 432
Warmaster Min 53 120 1,095 880 547 431 194.4 194.4 20.16 21.6 Reckless Fury (1)
Max 67 145 1,530 1,020 675 550
Warmaster Min 68 147 1,585 1,030 691 562 255.15 255.15 26.46 28.35 Reckless Fury (3)
Max 82 175 1,929 1,170 842 693
Warmaster Min 83 176 1,962 1,180 853 702 315.9 315.9 32.76 35.1 Reckless Fury (5)
Max 97 205 2,287 1,320 1,004 832

Boss NamesEdit

  • Bloodthirsty Warmaster
  • Sadistic Warmaster
  • Supreme Warmaster


  • Berserker Maiden
  • Dishonorable Shieldmaiden


  • Berserker Lord
  • Fallen Warlord