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A Necromancer

Necromancers are an enemy group in Blades that are hostile to the player. Necromancers, like all human enemies, are weak to poison damage. They resist fire and frost damage. Necromancers use an enchanted dagger that deals slashing and frost damage. Although they have no shield with them, they can use the dagger to poorly block attacks. Besides their dagger, they also use their magicka to mainly cast frost based spells to aid them in combat. Despite each having 120 stamina, they do not have any abilities to use.



The following Necromancers are the variants found in Jobs and many other Quests.
Necromancer Family

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Necromancers Level Damage               Spells
Necromancer Min 5 26 172 170 13.5 48 53.76 45.36 8.4 Frostbite (1)
Max 11 36 246 230 14 72
Necromancer Min 12 49 272 240 165 80 84.48 71.28 8.4 Siphon Life (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 20 65 477 320 262 121
Necromancer Min 21 67 526 330 272 127 118.4 99.9 10.36 Siphon Life (1)
Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 29 82 640 410 353 162
Necromancer Min 30 85 628 420 360 164 147.2 124.2 12.88 Siphon Life (1)
Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (3)
Frostbite (2)
Absorb (2)
Max 38 98 811 500 432 196
Necromancer Min (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) None
Necromancer Min (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) None
Necromancer Min (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) None
Necromancer Min (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) None


The following Necromancers are the variants found in the Abyss.
Necromancer Family Abyss

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Necromancers Level Damage               Spells
Necromancer Min 12 49 272 240 165 80 84.48 71.28 8.4 Siphon Life (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 20 65 477 320 262 121
Necromancer Min 21 67 526 330 272 127 118.4 99.9 10.36 Siphon Life (1)
Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 29 82 640 410 353 162
Necromancer Min 30 85 628 420 360 164 147.2 124.2 12.88 Siphon Life (1)
Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (3)
Frostbite (2)
Absorb (2)
Max 38 98 811 500 432 196
Necromancer Min 39 100 811 510 447 202 192 162 16.8 Siphon Life (2)
Magicka Surge (1)
Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (7)
Frostbite (4)
Absorb (4)
Max 59 134 1,108 710 599 273

The Pit of PestilenceEdit

The following Necromancers can be encountered in The Pit of Pestilence. They deal only poison damage.

The Eldritch GrottoEdit

The following Necromancers can be encountered in The Eldritch Grotto. They have enhanced spell-casting capabilities.[verification needed — What does this entail?]

The Sundered CavesEdit

The following Necromancers can be encountered in The Sundered Caves. They are immune to all but cleaving damage.

The Purifying FlamesEdit

The following Necromancers can be encountered in The Purifying Flames. They are immune to all but fire damage.

32px Graphs are currently disabled due to a security issue.
Necromancers Level Damage                       Spells
Necromancer Min 12 49 429 240 165 80 84.48 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Siphon Life (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 20 65 634 320 262 121
Necromancer Min 21 67 526 330 272 127 118.4 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Siphon Life (1)
Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Max 29 82 640 410 353 162
Necromancer Min 30 85 628 420 360 164 147.2 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Siphon Life (1)
Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (3)
Frostbite (2)
Absorb (2)
Max 38 98 811 500 432 196
Necromancer Min 39 100 811 510 447 202 192 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Siphon Life (2)
Magicka Surge (1)
Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (7)
Frostbite (4)
Absorb (4)
Max 59 134 1,108 710 599 273

Death's ShadowEdit

The following Necromancers can be encountered in Death's Shadow. They deal fire damage and poison damage.


Boss NamesEdit

  • Necromancer Leader
  • High Necromancer
  • Deathbringer
  • Unholy Summoner
  • Baleful Conjurer
  • Senior Necromancer
  • Grand Necromancer
  • Head Necromancer
  • Supreme Necromancer
  • Perverse Necromancer
  • Powerful Necromancer

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Shadow of DoubtEdit

When the room with the lever is entered:

Necromancer 2:"What are you doing?"
Necromancer 1:"I'm doing what you told me!"
Necromancer 2:"You mangled it! Now we need another liver!"
Necromancer 1:"I'm sure it will still work..."
Necromancer 2:"Silence! Get me another one or I'll take yours!"
Necromancer 1:"No, please! I'm going..."

When the room with the necromancers is entered:

Necromancer 2: "See? I told you there was someone here! Augh! We don't have time for this! Stay and fight, I'll finish the ritual!"
Necromancer 1: "But you said you would fight!"
Necromancer 2: "This ritual is too important!"
Missing ID
(lore page)
Location Haunted Castle
Race Breton
Gender Male

Once the summoned skeleton is killed the first necromancer can be talked to:

"You... you shouldn't be here!"
Too bad. Time to die.
Neither should you.
"What would you know? You're one of them!"
Who's them?
"I don't need to explain myself to you! Leave before I curse you!"
I'll go if you tell me what you're doing.
"I'm... we are teaching a lesson to the people of this wretched kingdom."
What's anyone going to learn from this?
"Master was right. No one will understand... That's why you have to die!"
My name is <name>. What's yours?
"I... you... that's not important. I have to do the ritual. Go away!"
I'll leave. Just talk to me. Who are you?
"I'm just a necromancer. What do you care?"
You had friends once. Family.
"So what? No one cares about me..."
Everyone has people who care.
"My... my mother... she's not well... because of people like you!"
You really want to become a killer, like me?
"I don't know what I want... I thought I could get justice if I just made everyone afraid, but this... this ritual...
I can't do it anymore. Please... go stop him."
Enough talk. Time to die.

If spoken to again if he didn't attack you:

"If the ritual is completed... I don't want to think about it."
Missing ID
(lore page)
Location Haunted Castle
Race Dark Elf
Gender Male

In the final room of the keep, the second necromancer who is a Dunmer will talk to you:

"Damn it! Useless peasant! I have to do everything myself..."
What's the ritual for?
"As if I would tell you! But when it's finished, this kingdom won't soon forget..."
No one needs to get hurt.
"Wait... I've heard of you. You're the lackey of that bear-pig wench on the throne.
Let's see if you're as strong as they say you are!"
No, you don't. You're dead.
"Hah! We'll see about *that*."
Your friend told me to stop you.
"What? You spoke to him... Your words won't work on me, you cretin!"

After you kill the second necromancer, you can optionally return to the first one to speak to him:

"What happened? Is it over?"
Yes. You'll be going to see the Queen.
"You... the Queen? Of course. What did I expect? I wish I had never followed him..."
Yes. Now go take care of your mother.
"I will... Oh, mother...!"

If spoken to again:

"I can't believe it's all over."