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Blades:Mercenaries on the Run

< Blades: Quests: Main Quest
Main Questline
Gather information from the Mercenaries.
Rarity: Uncommon
Quest Giver: Henrik Seven-Swords
Location(s): Near Falcon Hills Deep in the hills to the north
Prerequisite Quest: The Greencap Bandits
Next Quest: The Bloodfall Queen
Reward(s): Silver Chest, 000000022Pearls, 00000500500Gold
XP: 270
ID: MQ09
Required Level: Town Level 2
Recommended Level: Player Level 8
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
Find out what the mercenaries are up to.
Some of the Bloodfall Queen's men have been spotted in the hills to the north. I should try to get some information from them.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Obtain information from the Mercenaries

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Starting OffEdit

The wooden chest among the tents

You will begin outside an overland Ayleid ruin. Walk forward and you will reach a wooden bridge with a mercenary standing on it. He will tell you to stop and demand to know your name and business; you will have to tell him that you only want to talk to his leader. He will then reluctantly let you past.

"Stop right there! State your name and business!"
I just want to talk to your leader. / Want my favorite color, while you're at it?
"Are you deaf, man? I said: state your name and business!"
<PlayerName>. I need to see your leader.
"Fine, you can pass. But I've got my eye on you..."

Just before you reach the mercenary camp, you will have to deal with four venomfang skeevers. Once in the camp, if you look to your right, you will find a Wooden Chest nestled among some of the tents.

Secret AreaEdit

The secret area skull switch

Be warned, if you talk to any of the mercenaries multiple times, they will turn hostile. The best strategy is to just ignore them and continue on through the camp unless you want some extra XP from fighting them. Once you cross the next wooden bridge, go to the right and you should see a skull on a pike next to an anvil. Pull this to unlock the secret area, which is a wooden hut to the right of the lever. In this secret area is a Silver Chest. Once you are done, continue onwards and you will reach the final mercenary.


The final mercenary's initial dialogue will differ depending on if you have attacked any of the previous mercenaries or not, but both will lead to the same set of dialogue after. You then have the choice to let the mercenary go or fight them to the death; either leads to the end of the quest:

If you have attacked the other mercenaries:

"Who are you, and what was all that noise?"
That was me teaching your men a lesson.

If you didn't attack any of the mercenaries:

"Who are you?"
I'm the champion of <Town>.

Either leads to:

"Wait. Hold on... Maybe we can talk this through."
Tell me about the attack on my town.
"The Queen told us to just scare the townsfolk into paying up. Nothing more. I've no idea how the fire started; must've been an accident. The Queen was furious about it. I swear, that's the truth. Wights and skeletons have been hounding us ever since, roaming outside the Queen's castle. We weren't hired to fight the undead, so many of us just left. There's always money to be made with the Greencap Bandits, anyway."
You're nothing but a bunch of cowards.
"Call me a coward all you want. I get to live to see another day, and that's what counts."
Get out of here before I change my mind.
"Good luck, Warrior, you'll need it!"
You don't deserve to live.
"Ha! No one does!"
