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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Renod Even-Toned

< Mod / Skyrim: Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil: People
Renod Even-Toned
(RefID: xx0650A5)
Home City Bruma
House Renod's House
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 10 Class Bard
RefID xx0650A5 BaseID xx0650A1
Other Information
Health 121 Magicka 88
Stamina 76
Primary Skills Speech
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRBrumaRenodsHouseFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRTownBrumaFaction
Renod Even-Toned

Renod Even-Toned is a talentless Nord bard who has been terrorizing the citizens of Bruma with his screeching. During the related quest, you must get him to stop singing, or silence him for good.

While walking around Bruma, you will hear various mutterings about Renod:

"Who in Oblivion told that guy he's a good singer? I've heard Daedroths do better!"
"Damn it, if only that infernal bard would shut his mouth..."
"There's some bard down at the tavern, playing a real awful racket. Hope he leaves soon, or we might just have to run him out of town."
"Have you heard that bard, Renod? He's probably one of the worst musicians I've ever heard. And I've heard the wailing of ol' Caraltus Cock-Eyed."
"You know that "bard", Renod Even-Toned? Yeah. I hear the Jucanis paid him to watch over and entertain their kid Banus while they were out of town. Apparently his attempts at lullabies scared the child so much he ran away from the bard and cried in the street until his parents got back."

Eventually, you will be directed towards beggar Reln-Tei, who has been leading efforts to get the bard to shut up. He will offer you gold to assist him, and depending on your choices, you will either convince Renod to desist by retrieving his lute, or lead him to his death at Capstone Cave.

You will first meet Renod when entering the Jerall View Inn, where he is performing:

Renod: "Valenwood's color, streaming anew, into... Sinew. Sinew, to which it is streaming, for the Bosmer, they love the sinew. The sinew the Bosmer love, ohhhhhh."
Stantus: "Renod, you're distressing the customers."
Renod: "Distressing? I am distressing the customers?"
Stantus: "That's what I just said, yes."
Renod's odd performance at Capstone Cave
Renod: "You are... you dare... how dare you?! I am outraged! You hire me to play songs in this bar that is so far below my standards, and now you proclaim my music is distressful?! I am done with you, Stantus! And I am done with this shoddy excuse for a tavern! I'm off for the Restful Watchman, your top competition! How about that, huh?! And you... you talentless, tasteless fiends! How dare you insult my music?! Could you do better?! No, you couldn't, because I was trained at the Bards College in Solitude and I am the foremost practitioner of the art of song since Svaknir himself! You are all nothing more than jealous maggots, grasping for ways to insult me and belittle my talent! And to that I say, GOOD. DAY."

After this he will retire to his house, where he sleeps from 10pm to 8am every night. After breakfast, at 10am on weekdays he heads to the market stalls until 3pm, when he visits Ice-Wind Traders for three hours. He heads back home for dinner at 6pm and then spends the rest of the day relaxing at home until his bedtime. The only change to this schedule is on Morndas, Middas and Fredas, when he visits the Cathedral of St. Martin from 12pm to 3pm, and on weekends, when he stays home all day.

When confronting him, Renod's arrogance is apparent: "Away with you, rube.", "You are not fit to stand before me! Begone, wastrel.", "Oh, look. A bumpkin." and "Come to speak to the best bard in all Tamriel? Unsurprising. Go on, then. Speak." If you ask whether he really is a bard, he declares: "I am the most illustrious bard in the entirety of Tamriel, I promise you that! Much better than any of the bumpkins from the Bards College - that I graduated too, of course." Press him on that and he insists: "Of course I did! What, you think Renod Even-Toned, a master bard and true artiste, would be rejected from the Bards College? Of course not!"

If you note his confidence, he asserts: "Of course I am! A true Nord knows that boasting is appropriate when it is called for, and Renod Even-Toned knows this well! Or are you insulting my ability, bumpkin? Don't tempt me... To clonk you over the head! With my flute, or my lute, or bludgeon you with my fiddle? I know! I will travel to Daggerfall, grab one of those fancy Breton harps, and spank you with it. Ooh, or I could slam you with a tambourine so vigorously that every Bruma citizen could hear it? That'd make you the joke of day: "Oh look, there goes the Tambourine Man!"?"

If you comment on his hat, he is outraged: "The hat? The HAT? You dare refer to it as... a HAT? This, bumpkin, is a Colovian fur helm! They were all the rage back in the Third Era, though their popularity has since waned. But I, the illustrious Renod Even-Toned, am spearheading their revival! Not only am I a pioneer of music, I am also a pioneer of fine fashions. Soon, when you see all and sundry walking around sporting them, you'll know, in the back of your mind, that Renod Even-Toned was there first!" Tell him it looks ridiculous and he seethes: "Ridiculous? Ridiculous?! You wouldn't know high fashion if beat you senseless! So, let's not tempt... high fashion, huh, pissant rube?" If you agree it looks great, he says: "A-ha! Another convert to the new fashion of Third Era Colovian fur helms! Soon every ruffian will be wearing them, so droll and unoriginal are they."

Renod wears fine clothes, farmer's gloves, a Third Era Colovian fur helm, a necklace of minor haggling and a pair of fine boots. He also carries the key to his house, a copy of the Niben Herald, a flute, a drum and lute.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Despite Renod claiming he will visit the Restful Watchman after being kicked out of the Jerall View, and despite Crouches-In-Crevices confirming that he did steal Renod's lute, the bard will never actually set foot there, instead heading straight home.