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The Mages Guild in Whiterun

In a Mages Guild building you can make and buy spells, purchase magical items and potions, and also identify enchanted loot. See Services for more details.

Random EncountersEdit

There is a 20% chance of a random encounter for every minute spent inside a Mages Guild from 18 to 6 hours.

Mages Guild Welcome MessagesEdit

Whenever you enter a Mages Guild, you may receive any of these messages according to the present season in the Calendar and weather

  • "A cool breeze follows you into the Mages Guild, drying the slight sheen of sweat from your brow. The interior smells of spices and chemicals. As your eyes adjust to the dim light you can make out arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, the smell of sulfur and rotting parchment replacing that of new spring blossoms. Scrolls and potions, relics and artifacts vie for space on the bookshelves. You can hear small living things scuttling behind the volumes of alien encyclopedia."
  • "The mystical energy in the Mages Guild runs through you like a charge of lightning. Outside nature is in her full vernal glory on this sunny day, but she has little power in [sic] here. From the stone walls to the scrolls and potions, the most mundane parts of this chamber seem like phantasmagoria."

Overcast Spring
  • "Although the sky is gray [sic] the weather itself is pleasant. You can smell rain in the air, but that quickly changes as the door shuts behind you. The Mages Guild smells like old spices and chemicals. You can make out dozens of arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild from the gloomy spring day and are struck by the clutter. You know that wizardry is a mental art, and it is hard to believe the sorcerers behind this jumble of items and apparati are not either madmen or fools. You can definitely hear small living things move about in the piles."
  • "The Mages Guild is not a place where the normal gods of Nature hold reign, but on such a bleak spring day, it does not look like they have power anywhere. Somehow the chamber is simultaneously too hot and too cold, wet with humidity in one spot, drier than the Khajiit desert in another. Even the mystical items on the shelves are juxtaposed between extremes, ancient scrolls next to modern measuring devices, this one filthy with neglect, that [sic] polished with care."

Rainy Spring
  • "You shake the warm rain from your shoulders, conscious of the pooling water at your feet. As your eyes slowly adjust to the dim interior, you can make out arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "As thick as the stone walls of the Mages guild are, you can hear virtually every splatter of the spring rain outside. You are almost afraid to talk, for every echo of each footstep causes great clouds of dust to billow. And there are books and apparati in this room, you suspect, that should never be disturbed."
  • "An open window in the Mages Guild lets in the smell of the spring storm, which mingles with the chemical stench that bubbles from an open cauldron. The chamber is filled with arcane objects, jugs, cloaks, scrolls, amulets, tomes, brooches, potions, robes, figurines, talismans."

  • "You wipe the sweat off your brow as you enter the Mages Guild. The cool shade of the interior is a welcomed sight after standing under the harsh summer sun. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a slight tingling on your skin."
  • "For a moment after leaving the bright summer sunshine, your eyes register only darkness in the gloomy Mages Guild. When they adjust, you can understand very little of what you see. Tomes of antiquated wizardry and obscure objects crowd the dusty shelves."
  • "The door to the Mages Guild opens with a puff of dust that sticks to the sweat on your sunburned face. The smells of sulfurous potions burning and ancient scrolls of moldering parchment sting your nose. At least it is cool in here, you say to yourself."

Overcast Summer
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, its gloomy interior not much different from the iron-gray, overcast sky outside. At least, you silently think, the sun isn't out. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a slight tingling on your skin."
  • "All the humidity and heat of the day are [sic] intensified in the Mages Guild. To add to the infernal atmosphere, tendrils of soot-filled smoke and the whimpers from some doomed experiment slip through the cracks of locked doors. Each book on the shelf looks like it is watching you."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, an amalgamation of primordial relics, moldering scrolls, dripping unguents, and smoking fluids. An occasional groan [sic] or minor explosion can be heard coming from the laboratories. At least it's not as hot and humid as outside."

Rainy Summer
  • "You shake the rain from your shoulders as you enter the Mages Guild. The dry interior is a welcomed sight after standing in the downpour outside. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a slight tingling on your skin."
  • "The sound of the warm summer rain is muffled by the thick walls and thicker velvet curtains. This is a place where the outside world is a distraction to be avoided. The smells, sights, and sounds here are unique to the field of mystical experimentation."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, avoiding the puddles of rainwater leaking under the door. The room is damp, but the thick stone walls keep it cool even in the dog days of summer. Strange devices and venerable tomes crowd across the dust and soot streaked shelves."

  • "Behind you the fall sun sheds warmth upon the land, holding back the icy fingers of winter yet another day. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "While the local farmers have been gathering their crops, it would appear the mages have been collecting a harvest of their own. The Mages Guild is crowded with scrolls, relics, charms, and artifacts. Clearly some extensive trading between one town's guild to another's has been going on this fall."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, a world where nature holds little power. Outside leaves are falling and plants are dying back into the ground, but in here, strange flora lives year round, competing for space next to the scrolls, potions, and other mystic apparati that crowds the Guild's shelves."

Overcast Autumn
  • "You enter the Mage's [sic] Guild, its gloomy interior not much different from the cold, overcast sky outside. At least, you silently thank, the interior is warm. You rub your hands together to bring back some feeling. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "On a dark cool day like today, those who devote their lives to the mystical sciences are at their busiest. Outside, people look into the sky and view the coming winter with dread. All in the Mages Guild are as active with mystic energy as they might be on any day, including the books and relics that line the shelves."
  • "You enter the Mages Guild, going from a cool gloomy outside to a cool gloomy inside. Because of the shadows, you cannot see all that the chamber contains -you suspect that even by the light of a bright day, the room has its secrets. Potions, relics, and books line the bookshelves shrouded by a fine dust."

Rainy Autumn
  • "You shake the cold rain from your shoulders as you enter the Mages Guild, stamping your feet to bring back some warmth. The dry interior is a welcomed sight after standing in the icy downpour outside. Around you are arcane implements and mystical apparati. You feel a slight tingling on your skin."
  • "The Mages Guild is dry, but no more welcome that [sic] the cold autumn tempest outside. Strange and exotic potions, ancient scrolls, and arcane relics look down at you from the shelves as if they are predatory birds, watching for you to make a mistake. The dark energy in the room goes through you like a charge."
  • "All along the walls of the Mages Guild, blackened with soot and neglect, are shelves of books and arcane apparati so cloaked in dust to be practically indistinguishable one [sic] from the other. You can hear the sound of the fall cloudburst outside, uncomfortably loud in the normally still little room."

  • "The sun outside has done little to warm your bones, which are now almost frozen. You enter the Mages Guild, stamping your feet and crowding close to a brazier that glows hot with fiery coals. As the warmth slowly seeps in, you notice arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "As sunny as it was, you felt a winter chill outside and now, within the Mages Guild, you feel the cold more intensely. Dust lies on the shelves of books, potions, and relics like an early frost. The stone walls of the chamber glisten with ice."
  • "The melancholy Mages Guild is slightly warmer than the winter day outside but, without the sunlight, the effect is much the same. Many books and arcane instruments lie scattered about, but they fail to lend any vitality to the scene. It is a place of mystical study, not built for human comfort."

Overcast Winter
  • "The gray sky has done little to warm your bones, which by now are almost frozen. You enter the Mages Guild, stamping your feet to increase the circulation and crowd close to a brazier that glows hot with fiery coals. As the warmth slowly seeps in, you notice arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling on your skin."
  • "It is a perfect day for those who practice the shadowy arts: the Mages Guild comes most alive on cold, dark winter days. Cauldrons bubble on the fireplace, filling the room with translucent smoke that smells of animal fat and sulfur. The shelves are cluttered with mystical books and artifacts..."
  • "You know that you can only see half of what is in the Mages Guild. The titles of the books on the shelves seem to change depending on the angle you look. Invisible fingers run through the dust and over your face. From the corner of your eye, you can see demons grinning at you, but they vanish when you turn to look at them. As dark a winter day as it is outside, you want to do your business here and leave..."

Snowy Winter
  • "Snow and wind swirl about you as you enter the Mages Guild and shut the door. Outside the winter snow falls without any signs of stopping. You stamp your feet and crowd close to a brazier that glows hot with fiery coals. As the warmth slowly seeps in, you notice arcane implements and mystical apparati. You think you feel a strange tingling over your skin."
  • "The white dust in the Mages Guild is not as deep as the snow outside, but it is so omnipresent that all the arcane relics within seem to be covered in a thin shroud. It is an almost soundless chamber, with only an occasional sigh from the pot of boiling liquid on the fire. Slowly warmth creeps back into your chilled body."
  • "You enter the dim Mages Guild, warmed by a spell that dries the snow from your face and hair almost immediately. Books, charms, scrolls, and other relics, older than human memory, are kept in pristine condition here by the same mystic energy."