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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#565

id 565
name Tonal Pivot Joints
quality 5
difficulty 4
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 0
zoneId 1414
setId 41
setName Esoteric Environment Greaves
setQuality 6
setRewardId 4200
setCount 5
categoryId 51
categoryOrder 16
categoryName Telvanni Peninsula
categoryCount 67
loreName1 Reginus Buca
loreDescription1 These pivot points remind me strongly of those we've seen on constructs from across traditional Dwemer regions. But they're sized for a flesh and blood wearer, perhaps part of some armor? A standout relic of their culture.
loreName2 Amalien
loreDescription2 While we know the Dwemer made a variety of constructs to integrate with mortal frames, it's extremely rare to find any left behind after their departure. These joints most likely helped the wearer bear up under heavy loads, or move across uneven terrain.
loreName3 Gabrielle Benele
loreDescription3 They're also extremely well insulated from adverse conditions, as we've seen with several other pieces recently. Just imagine what a person wearing these greaves could endure.

Data last updated on 2025-Jan-13 00:35:25

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